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Monday, February 15, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of Tuesday Week 6 by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Mark 8:14-21)

Jesus warned the disciples to guard against the yeast of the Pharisees and of Herod.

Jesus applied the methodology of a wise father speaking in coded language for only his children to understand. A good number of parents in the traditional Igbo family setting used coded signs and symbols to refer to particular persons. A stranger in such a family can never understand what is said and why it is said. The person about whom the statement or sign is made will never understand. Sometimes the eye is used, at other times clearing of the throat is used, the head or even the leg may be used to send a signal or warn against what is unwanted. Typical of this is when parents will not like you to answer a particular question, they give a sharp sign. When they don't want you to eat in a particular place or accept an item from a stranger or an untrusted friend, they give a sign as well.

The wise children understand the signs or the coded words so well. But the dull ones do not.

Jesus expected His disciples to understand what He meant by the yeast of the Pharisees and Herod. But they were thinking of food. Jesus made them to understand that food should not be their problem when their life is at stake. Thus, He went on to make them understand the danger in their midst. That danger was the negative influence of the Pharisees and Herod. The warning was against the false teachings of the enemies of Christ. A little heresy can cause a whole lot of problems for a believer.

So, Child of God, beware of the Pharisees of today. They enjoy their marriage and encourage you to leave your marriage because of little misunderstanding. They are happily married as man and woman but encourage gay unions. They claim a lot of what they are not. They sell attractive lifestyle on social media but have nothing attractive about them. Their evil ways spread like wildfire if not carefully watched. So, Jesus insists that we should be careful with them and the forces they carry.


Thank You Jesus for calling us to be on the watch. Thank You for calling our attention to the many dangers around us. Help us by your grace to follow Your instruction to flee from negative influences and embrace noble motivations leading us to everlasting happiness in you. Bless us and keep us safe under the shadow of Your wings now and forever. Amen

God bless your Tuesday (6th Week, Ordinary Time, Yr B)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from: The Mystery of the Trinity: Mutual Indwelling With God and His People – Pr Eddy Leo – Malaysia’s Christian News Website (

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