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Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of Thursday after Ash Wednesday by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


(Luke 9:22-25)

Jesus tells us the reason for this holy season in the Gospel Reading of today. It is all about the Son of man who must suffer many things including death but must rise on the third day.

This is the period we follow Jesus along the way of the cross. This is the time we contemplate on what Jesus passed through for our salvation. 

He invites us to get involved in the redemptive act by carrying our own cross to follow His steps.

Thus, this is a period of imitation of Christ. This is a time to lose in order to gain. This is a time to lose our attachments to things of this world. It is the time to disconnect from things that do not give honour and glory to God. It is the time to deny ourselves of pleasures and humble ourselves before God. It is indeed the time to move out of our comfort zones in order to surmount the challenges standing on our way to heaven.

What are the heavy crosses that would make your Lenten journey this year less successful? What are the difficulties in your life discouraging you from following Jesus along the way to Calvary? What are the temptations weighing your spirit down? What are the problems covering your eyes from seeing the glory that lies behind the cross?

Take up those problems, forget about the loses, think more of gaining heaven at last. Consider the pain of losing God as a saviour. Move on with Christ. He will help you save all that you fear losing.


Thank You, Jesus, for the invitation You have offered us to follow You. Give us the grace to carry our crosses with patience, humility and faith and come after You. May we trace Your steps and enter into the happiness of heaven. Save us Lord from losing our souls because of unnecessary things of this passing world. May Your cross save us forever and ever. Amen

­God bless your Thursday (Thursday after Ash Wednesday)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

 Image from: hardships | Lightbearers For Jesus (

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