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Thursday, February 18, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of Friday after Ash Wednesday by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Matthew 9:14-15)

"Then, they will fast"- These are the last words of Jesus in today's gospel reading.

This is the time when we contemplate on the attempt to take away the Son of man by the scribes and the pharisees. This is the time when darkness wages great war against the light. This is the time when we are called upon to deny ourselves of some pleasures to gain divine favours.

Thus, the Church encourages us to fast. O come and mourn awhile. Jesus our Love is crucified for our sake. Thus, let us fast from whatever that will make this great price for our salvation be a waste. Let us not make this great sacrifice a vain thing. Let us follow Jesus in the wilderness. Let us feed on the word of God there and be able to command the desires of the flesh and the worldly passions to flee.

We must fast from unnecessary fear, from hypocrisy and dishonesty, we must fast from faithlessness, we must fast from weakness to pray. Let us fast from sinful relationships; let us fast from gossips; let us fast from extortion; let us fast from deceiving one another; let us fast from cheating; let us fast from bad habits. Let us fast from revenge, quarrels, hatred, injustice and corruption.

Yes, let us deny ourselves of those things that will make us deny Christ as our personal Lord and Saviour.

And so, listen my flesh, I refuse to give you all you want. I wish to fast till everything in me hungers for God.


We are too hungry and sick to fast, Oh Lord. We hunger for food that does not satisfy; we are sick of losing our attachment to the pleasures of this word. Give us the grace to fast from evil and hold fast to holiness and righteousness. Help us by your grace Oh Jesus. May your passion, be our strength. Amen

God bless your Friday (Friday after Ash Wednesday)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from: The Orthodox Faith - Volume IV - Spirituality - Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving - Fasting - Orthodox Church in America (

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