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Monday, August 5, 2024

 Monday of 18th Week, Year II: reflection

Theme: God performs miracles with every little thing we give others

Mt 14:13-21

How do you deal with that tiny voice that always tells you that what you have won’t be enough when it is shared with someone asking you for help? Do assent to it or do you ignore it and give out something to help someone, no matter how small?

I was drawn to the response of the disciples to Jesus’ request that they should give the needy crowd something to eat in today’s gospel reading. They simply told him that what they had wouldn’t be enough when shared with others. However, Jesus’ insistence that they should share whatever they had with others, even when it was mathematically insufficient, is a big call to us all.

It is a call for us to realize that God can do wonders in the lives of others even with the smallest things that we can offer to them. It is a call for us not to be discouraged by the tiny discouraging voice that always tells us that what we have cannot be enough for us, and that even if we give a little of it to others, it will not make any impact in their lives.

Did you notice that what remained after the feeding of the crowd was more than what the disciples originally gave out? What was the magic? This gospel reading is telling us that what God will bless us with after any little donation to someone in need will be greater than what we gave out. Dip your hands in your pocket and make someone smile today; God will ensure that your pocket doesn’t run dry.

May your new week be blessed.

Fr Isaac C. Chima

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