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Tuesday, August 6, 2024

August 6: Feast of Transfiguration of the Lord: reflection

Theme: Listen to the voice of Jesus.

Readings: Dan 7:9-10.13-14; 2Pet 1:16-19; Mk 9:2b-10

Today, the Church celebrates the Lord’s transfiguration on the mountain in front of three of his disciples. The primary purpose of the transfiguration was Jesus’ consultation with the Father regarding His passion, death and resurrection. Then, the secondary purpose was to reveal the Divine glory to the chosen disciples, so that they might come out of their worldly ambition and expectation of a political messiah that would seize the seat of power in Israel, and also to strengthen the disciples in their times of trial.

The Father's voice urging the disciple to listen to Jesus, His Beloved Son, was at the centre of the transfiguration experience. This same invitation to listen to Jesus is seen in the second reading of today where Peter urged us to pay attention to the voice of Jesus just as to a light shining in the dark until the day dawns.

One of the reasons why some parts of Nigeria have been enveloped by protests for the past six days was because many people refused to pay attention to the voice of God that spoke reason to them several times, especially during the last year’s general elections. Many Nigerians chose to listen to the voice of greed and selfishness instead of God’s voice

The voice of God directs our paths and urges us not to be selfish in our choices; it leads us like a lamp leads people surrounded by darkness, so that we might tread securely in the dark and emerge triumphant. This voice spoke to the Apostles, urging them to lay aside their selfish aspirations in order to achieve Divine glory. They listened, and now they are in glory. But in our own time, many people ignore Jesus' message and instead follow the voice that instructs them to pursue their selfish and sinful desires. Many people have lost their lives as a result of such decisions. Nigeria's current situation is the outcome of listening to the voice of greed and selfishness, especially during elections.

Dear friends, we can still get things right in our lives and history if we open our ears and hearts to hear and apply the demands of the voice of Jesus in our lives. As we hear his voice today, let us not harden our hearts.

Happy feast day, dear friends

Fr Isaac C. Chima

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