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Saturday, August 3, 2024




Physical food/bread is one of the essential needs of man and must be satisfied before other needs. Last week we talked about ‘operation feed the nation’ which could easily arrest other hardships or problems of man. Today Jesus draws our attention to not only the physical food/bread, but also to the spiritual food/bread. Last week, Jesus fed the crowd with physical bread; today he introduces them to the spiritual bread of life, his own body. But their minds were solely set on physical bread. It is very erroneous to set our minds on only one kind of bread; we must labour and seek for both the physical and spiritual bread. And we praise and thank God today who is ready and able to offer/give us both breads.


THE FIRST READING (EX. 16: 2 – 4. 12 – 15)

In the first reading, when the Jews were in a desperate situation while crossing the desert; there, they could neither plant nor reap, so God provided manna and quail (physical food) for them to sustain them through their journey. So we should also have it at the back of our minds that God will not always do or provide for us what ordinarily we can do or provide for ourselves. So do not fold your hands today, and expect manner to fall from heaven.

However, the Israelites didn’t even ask nor pray for manna; they only murmured and wished that they would have preferred to die at the flesh pots of Egypt. However, while they were still murmuring, God demonstrated that He knows what best to do for his people by sending them manna from above.

Quite unfortunately, the minds of the Jews were so set on physical bread and meat that they forgot the saving wonders of the Lord in their lives; they forgot to even pray to God, and mocked and neglected Him. Today, many of us also make the same mistake of forgetting God while chasing after physical food or things.


THE SECOND READING (EPH. 4: 17. 20 – 24)

In the second reading, St. Paul talks about putting on the new man after the likeness of Christ; going after all things in true righteousness and holiness and not in corruption and lustful deceit. If you are chasing or seeking after physical food, water, money or position; if you are seeking after spiritual goals, positions or the Eucharist, you must seek them in righteousness and not in deceit and corrupt minds.



In the gospel reading, Jesus addressed the crowd who were seeking for physical bread; he advised them to also seek for the spiritual bread as well, which endures to eternal life. This spiritual food or bread he was to institute in the form of the Holy Eucharist. He offered it free for us all, but we must receive it in righteousness and holiness. We (the five thousand men) accepted the physical bread from Jesus; we must also accept the spiritual bread (the Eucharist) He is also offering to us.



Brethren, both physical and spiritual food/bread are essential for us because we are all made of Body and Spirit (or soul); none should be neglected and none should be sought for in deceit or in sin. Jesus is ever ready to give or share his physical and spiritual bread with us. We should also learn to share and not hoard our physical or spiritual bread/goods with others; and we should never get lazy in seeking for our daily bread and spiritual bread.


Happy Sunday!

Fr. Justin.

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