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Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Solemnity of Annunciation of the Lord: Reflection by Rev Fr Julian Ekeh



(Luke 1:26-38)

Nine months from today we shall celebrate the birthday of the Lord Jesus. The Church in her wisdom designed it that we celebrate today the Annunciation. In this Solemnity we celebrate the love of God. We thank God for the gift of our Mother Mary who accepted the Word of the angel and gave her fiat that necessitated the Incarnation. 

This Solemnity challenges us to believe in the word of God without doubting, like Mary. We learn from Mary to make ourselves available for God to use us. We Learn to cooperate with the grace of God so that His will may be done in our lives.

Mary conceived and gave the world the best gift from heaven. She became the gate through which God entered into human race. Let us make way for God to enter into our families, our Church, our society and our world through us.

Through Mary the world received a Saviour who saved us through His passion, death and resurrection. Let us accept the fruit of Mary's womb. Let us return love for love. Mary has conceived, ours is to receive. Let us prepare ourselves to welcome all that God in His love has deposited in us. He has bestowed upon you all that is good. Nurture them till maturity and bring forth lifestyle that will lead you to heaven at last.


We thank You, God, for your love on man that made you release the Holy announcement that gave us hope through Mary the Mother of Your Son. Help us to live loving You all the days of our lives. Grant us an increased faith in Your Son our Lord Jesus Christ just like Mary and bring us to heaven at last where You live and reign for ever and ever. Amen

God bless your day.

Happy Solemnity

Rev Fr Julian Ekeh

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