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Thursday, March 25, 2021

Friday Week 5 of Lent: Reflection by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(John 10:31-42)

The Jews in today’s gospel had taken up stones to stone Jesus. They are still holding the stones just like the men who caught the adulterous woman. Jesus wondered why they should stone Him. What has He done wrong? What is His crime? He rolled out the numerous good things He has done for them; He reminded them of the many good works He has revealed to them from the Father. Then, He asked them: For which of these do you stone me?

When evil men want to have their way in their wickedness, they cook up a reason to back up their actions. They know how to give the dog a bad name in order to eliminate it. Thus, they said that they were stoning Jesus not because of His good works but because of blasphemy; that He called Himself God. But is He not God? They were the ones making a mistake. Beware of stoning people out of your own mistake and ignorance of God and His ways.

Why do we use the stones in our hands on the wrong persons? Can't we learn from David who picked up stones to stone the enemy of God and of the people of God? We have a common enemy as human beings created in the image and likeness of God. He is the devil. He is the one Jesus came to save us from His traps. He is the architect of our problems and our tempter. Let us unite our forces with Christ to destroy every satanic ploy and evil plots.

But why do you stone? What are you doing with those stones in your hand? Why are you targeting innocent people to destroy them? Why do you enjoy inflicting harm on people?

When you do that, do you know you are directly harming Jesus Christ? Yes, You're. Because His word says: 'whatever you do to the least of my brothers, that you do unto me'. Whatever; good or bad. Think twice about the way you treat people, the way you pick quarrels, the way you pick offence, the way you  get angry, the way you spread rumours, the way you gossip, the way you destroy people's good names, the way you tell lies, the way you accuse innocent people, the way you misjudge and the way you tarnish image and kill. When you do these Jesus asks you: Why do you stone me?

Are you receiving stones Child of God? Learn the attitude of Jesus. Do not be discouraged. Do not stop your good works. Do not fear. Keep on keeping on. They have seen nice fruits in you, rain down sweet fruits for these people. Melt their hearts of stone with fruits of love. You can convert them to start believing. Someday, they will drop those stones. They will get tired. They will never arrest you. God will show you a way out, from those who persecute you. They will gather but their gathering will be in vain.


We thank You Lord for teaching us by Your word on the best way to disarm those who stone us. We pray today that we may not waste the holy stones of faith, prayers, abstinence and love which you have put in our hands. May we not pick up wrong stones of wickedness, hatred and envy. May we not give up when evil men gather against us. Strengthen us by your grace through Christ our Lord. Amen

God bless your Friday (5th Week of Lent)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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