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Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of Wednesday Week 5 of Lent by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



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(John 8:31-42)

Jesus came into the world to set us free from sin and show us the way to heaven. He teaches the Jews today that He is the way to freedom. He insists: 'So, if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed."

Are you free? Have you been set free? Have you made the noble choice of being free from sin, from anger, from jealousy, from betrayal, from all forms of corrupt practice? Jesus invites us today to accept His word just as He addressed the Jews. When we allow His word to live in our hearts, we will grow in faith and believe more in Him. We will actually emulate Abraham as our father in faith and not be like the Jews who claimed to have Abraham as their father, yet they planned to kill Christ. May we make Christ live in us. Let us make our hearts good abode for Him to dwell.

When God lives in us, sin will not find a place, vices will not dwell within us, crime will have no place. We shall no longer be in the bondage of the devil and demonic manipulations. He will flee from us. We shall become hot for every evil. We will no longer be hiding from God like Adam and Eve. We will freely converse with God like Abraham and indeed become heirs to the heavenly inheritance prepared for us from the foundation of the world.

Dear Child of God, what is that chain the enemy is using to enslave you? Is it fear? Is it falsehood? Is he using intimidation? Is it the feeling that God will not forgive you? Is it making you think you have become so used to sin that you can no longer get off it? Is it the fallacy that 'everybody is doing it'? Is it the slogan: If you can't beat them you join them? Is it the thought of losing human respect and connections? What is the devil actually using to enslave you? Free yourself in Christ Jesus!

Hear it again: You're not a slave. You're not a slave to that bad friend. You're not a slave to that bad habit. You can't be a slave to that corrupt system. Don't be enslaved by the unholy relationship. Break that chain of infidelity.

Christ has set you free. Be freed from sin, go for Sacramental Confession, always receive the Holy Communion, pray and rebuke the devil and he will run away from you. Practice virtues. He who is doing good will never live in fear and bondage.


Thank You Jesus for Your liberating word. Set us free and grant that we may remain free from every bondage of sin, demonic attacks and manipulations, fear and distractions. May we be real children of God our Father. Grant our prayers Almighty God through Christ our Lord. Amen

God bless your Wednesday (5th Week of Lent)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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