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Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of Thursday Week 3 of Lent by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh




Jesus left his glory on high to be with man. He came to us to make us like Him. He discovers the presence of evil and manipulative hands of the devil denting the image of God and keeping the divine presence far removed. He cleanses, He purges, He casts out the unclean in order to make us clean enough for Him.  

But the enemies of Christ discredit this Holy work of God. They prefer to ascribe the glory unto the devil than to God. They prefer to subdue man to become a being unto evil by distracting the man from Christ and the wondrous doings of Christ to ponder on satanic deceptions. Thus, attention is shifted from miracle to magic.

Remain a being for Christ. To be for Christ, you must kick against all that is not of Christ. You should draw closer daily to Him. You should appreciate and acknowledge His works everyday of your life. You should not allow any other power to take the glory due to Christ. You should live true to God and be sincere about where you belong. Am I for Christ or against Christ? This should be a question I ask myself daily. In everything I do, Christ or the devil takes glory. I was made for Christ not the devil. I was created to know God, love Him, worship Him in this world to live for ever with Him in heaven. Anything outside of this divine plan for us, comes from the evil one and should be condemned without delay.


Lord Jesus Christ, thank You for coming to destroy the operations of the evil one in my life. Cleanse me, wash me, purge away everything in me that does not give you glory. Forgive me for all the times I have given glory to the evil one. Dear Lord God, help me by Your grace to know You truly, love You wholeheartedly and live with You eternally in heaven after living for You here on earth through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

God bless your Thursday (3rd Week of Lent)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


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