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Thursday, March 11, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of Friday Week 3 of Lent by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Image from: Love God And Neighbour | ultra106.5fm (

(Mark 12:28b-34)

The season of Lent is a period when God invites us through the Church to draw nearer to the kingdom of God. At this time, we are encouraged to put away all that keep us far from God.

The Gospel of today tells us all we have to do in order to draw close to the kingdom. The sum of it all is to love God and to love our fellow men.

When we love God, we will not displease Him. We will make out time to worship Him. We will think of how He will feel before we do whatever we want to do. When we love our fellow men, we will not destroy them. We will not cause them harm. We will share what we have with them. We will put smile on their faces. 

This will be the certificate we present on the last day. The love we show during our days on earth will open the heavenly gates for us. Let us continue to love. Let us not stop giving even our little. A lot is involved in loving. You may not have money to give, give peace, show concern, visit, feel with the other, give advice, give protection, give truth. Just show God how much you love Him by loving your brothers and sisters. This is the greatest law of God.

Dearest in Christ, love God, love man, then happiness is yours for ever. You will never be far from the kingdom of God. Make peace with that your neighbour. How far or close you are to him determines how far or close you are to God. Closeup the unnecessary gaps created by hate, indifference, jealousy, anger, envy etc.


Oh God, thank You for Your Love that made You to send Your only begotten Son whose suffering for love we remember this time. We are sorry for going far from Your expectations on us. May we love You and our fellow human beings with all our hearts through Christ our Lord. Amen

God bless your Friday (3rd Week of Lent)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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