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Friday, March 12, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of Saturday Week 3 of Lent by Rev Fr Julian Ekeh



(Luke 18:9-14)

The Gospel reading of today tells us the story of two persons who went into the temple to pray. One prayed to himself, the other prayed to God in humility asking for divine mercy.

Jesus wants us to develop the attitude of coming to God with humility and opening ourselves in sincerity to Him. Humility helps us to tell ourselves the truth about ourselves. Humility enables us to look up to God for mercy. Humility helps us to come to God with reverential fear. Humility helps us to strike our hearts and say, "I am sorry Lord". Humility opens our eyes to our faults making us not to canonize ourselves, not to make ourselves saints but to acknowledge the fact that we are sinners.

Let us make our encounter and meeting with the Lord a fruitful one. Let us make our prayers answered ones. Let us make our Lenten observance like that of the man whose prayer was answered. Let us remove every Pharisaic tendency in us making us to claim we are better than we are. Let us rely on God to declare us free, let us call on God to exalt us. Christ blesses those who practice humility in the beatitudes that they will inherit the earth. May you inherit the blessings you pray for in humility from here.

May we not go away after this season worse than we were before. May we be sanctified by the prayers and penance of this Holy season so as to rejoice in the glorified Lord whose blood sets us free. May we not lean on our merit or achievements but on the grace of God who brings down the proud and raises the lowly.


In humility and fear we come before you this day pouring out our unworthiness and sinfulness. We are helpless O Lord without You. Come to our aid. Come and bless us, come and heal us. We do not deserve any favour from You because of our weakness. Oh God, we rely on your strength to make us strong in the face of the many challenges staring at us. Help us not to stop depending on You all the days of our life through Christ our Lord. Amen

God bless Your Saturday (3rd Week of Lent)

Rev Fr Julian Ekeh

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