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Friday, March 26, 2021

Saturday Week 5 of Lent: Reflection by Rev Julian O Ekeh




The Jewish Passover is close at hand. The Chief Priests and the Pharisees gathered for a meeting. The agenda was: What are we to do to Jesus? Their fear was: "If we allow Him to go on like this, everyone will believe in Him and the Jews will come and destroy our holy place and our nation"

As the deliberations continued, an intervention came from the high priest that year, Caiaphas by name, who according to the scriptures was speaking prophetically even without knowing.

His intervention was: is expedient for one man to die for the people than for the people to perish"

Jesus became the most wanted and never walked about openly again among the Jews. The people were looking for Jesus. To make the search for Jesus more serious and intensified, the authorities gave an order that if anyone knew His whereabouts, he should let them know. There must be a reward attached for one who will help them catch Jesus. Little wonder why Judas took the decision to betray Jesus for their arrest.

Why is Jesus wanted in our world today? A lot of people today congregate in the name of Jesus. What is their agenda about Jesus? Some gather to fight Christ and His Church. Some kill Christ. Some want to arrest the word of God and stop us from preaching Christ. Some want to protect political, social or cultural interest and sacrifice Jesus. These and many other way are the wrong ways of gathering in the name of God.

Why should we want Christ? We should want Christ to save us and the whole world. This period we are appreciating His self-donation that made it possible for us all not to be lost.

Jesus was wrongly wanted by the Chief Priests and Pharisees. Let us rightly want Jesus to have His way in our lives, lets us live our lives like those who cannot do without Jesus. Let us embrace Jesus as the only good thing that the world needs without which life on earth will be meaningless.  Let's pray that the scattered children of God all over the world may be gathered to seek and find God.


We want You and need you every hour Oh Jesus.  Let Your holy presence give us the peace, joy and salvation we need. May we not get tired of You. Help us dear Lord to find You when we need You. Grant these through Christ our Lord. Amen

God bless your Saturday (5th Week of Lent)

Rev Julian O Ekeh

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