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Monday, March 1, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of Tuesday Week 2 of Lent by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


(Matthew 23:1-12)

Christianity is preached. Christianity is practiced. The practice of Christianity is more important to Christ than the preaching of Christianity. The preaching is imbedded more in the practicing than in the verbalization.

The Pharisees in the time of Jesus were experts in saying one thing and doing the other. They were highly respected teachers of the law, but they taught others and never spared a thought on the way they lived. Thus, Jesus encouraged us all to take advantage of the teachings they offer and overlook their life.

It is a time for re-evaluating our practical lives as Christians. Let us look into the things we do. Let us ask ourselves questions on what we present to the people and what we are in reality, what we tell people about ourselves and what we are really. What people think we are and what we are before God.

As a parent do you live what you teach your children? As a leader do you lead by example? As a preacher, do you practice what you preach? As a pastor do you represent what you are well?

Generally, do you deserve the respect you receive?

Are you a good husband or wife in practice? Or do you only parade yourself to be one? Are you living your life in that office, in your business, in your profession, in your community, in your school as a Christian guided by the teachings of Christ?

Translating our knowledge into action is what makes us true Christians.


Oh Lord, it is easier to talk, preach and teach than to live what we preach. We pray for your grace not to confuse people by teaching one thing and doing another. During this season of Lent, help us to make Christ our model and use Christ as the only yardstick of accepting the teachings from different angles in our world today. Grant our prayers through Christ our Lord. Amen

God bless your Tuesday (2nd Week of Lent)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from: Plautus Quote: “Practice yourself what you preach.” (12 wallpapers) - Quotefancy

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