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Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of Wednesday Week 2 of Lent by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


(Matthew 20:17-28)

The Gospel of today gives us a picture of Jesus on His way to Jerusalem. He was not going for a feast. He was not going for a party neither was it a vacation. He was going rather to embrace his vocation. He was going to die. Jesus was going to be delivered to the Gentiles, to be mocked, scourged and to be crucified. These He disclosed to His disciples.

Then the Mother of James and John came to secure a better place for her two sons. Jesus inquired into the genuineness of their intentions. They confessed their readiness to drink the Chalice of Christ's suffering. But for sure, that's the stepping stone into the glory of Christ.

Let us think about the many chalices that stand on our way. We've got some family chalices, some emotional and psychological chalices, some vocational chalices. We have the chalice of uncertainties, the chalice of persecution, the chalice of false judgment, the chalice of poverty, of sickness, of XYZ.

Inside these chalices are unforeseen circumstances of different kinds, humiliating and life-threatening experiences.  

Let's not drink these chalices alone. Let's drink them with Christ. Let's pass it on to our Saviour. Let's also learn from Jesus to take over the chalices of others. Jesus came that we may not suffer alone. He bears our burden, He carries our shame, He takes up our condemnation, He takes away our pains and sorrows.

He asks us if we are able to drink the cup he drinks.

He teaches us a new way to greatness that is to serve and not to be served and to give our lives for others.  That's how to drink the chalice, not lording it over others.


Thank You Jesus for taking up the chalice of suffering and dying for our sake. Help us to accept the chalices that come our way with perfect resignation to your Holy will. May we never lose our faith because of the hardships we face. May we share in your glory in heaven after partaking of Your Chalice here on earth through Christ our Lord. Amen

God bless your Wednesday (2nd Week of Lent)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from: Calvary Cross Pictures of Jesus Christ (

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