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Sunday, February 28, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of Monday Week 2 of Lent by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Luke 6:36-38)

In the word of God today, Jesus invites us to be merciful as God our Father. He goes on to explain what is involved in being merciful.

If we are merciful, we will not be judgemental but treat people with love. If we are merciful, we will not be quick to condemn since we would not like to be condemned. If we are merciful, we will readily forgive faults and feel with the weak ones around us. If we are merciful, we will be open handed in giving. In mercy, we will consider how we feel when we are hurt and as such never inflict pain on people around us.

We need mercy in our world today. As we ask God for mercy this Lenten season, God asks for our own mercy. God requires mercy from us. He is the God who says: mercy I need not sacrifice.

Can you stop blaming that your partner and make Him see the love of God that gives opportunity for even the worst offender to go and sin no more?

Can you call that your wife, husband, son, daughter, old friend and colleague who offended you and tell him: " I have forgiven you". That is the pleasant surprise God wants from us this period.

Feel sorry for that person who has never stopped feeling bad about what he did to you. Free Him and free yourself. When you forgive, you release yourself too.

Why are you still stingy even when you have more than enough? Look around and help those you can. Mercy opens the gates of heaven. The mercy we show is what God looks at on the last day.

Let us be merciful like our heavenly Father. "Misericordes sicut Pater".


We thank you Lord for your mercy and compassion towards us. Help us to learn from You. Teach us how not to judge but to reason with others. Teach us how not to condemn but save others. May we learn to forgive the failings of others especially when they know not what they do. Teach us how to give to others. Bless us in abundance with every spiritual or material resources we use in showing mercy. Oh God, May Your mercy meet us always especially at the hour of our death through Christ our Lord.

God bless your Monday (2nd Week of Lent)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from: Blessed Are The Merciful | Irving Bible Church

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