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Sunday, February 21, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of the Feast of the Chair of St. Peter by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Matthew 16:13-19)

Today we celebrate the Chair of St Peter. This celebrates the authority given to Peter as the head of the universal Church. By extension we equally celebrate the leadership roles of the successors of Peter. We call to mind the respect we should accord the men God has entrusted the care of the Church to.

We wish to observe by the power of the word of God that the success and achievements of Peter is to a large extent thanks to the collaboration and prayerful support of the early Christians.

In our own time are we building the Church or destroying it? Are we obedient to the teachings of the Church or are we always opposing and destructively criticizing everything that has to do with the Church?

We are the temple of God and as such our soul is the Church. God entrusts the keys to these souls in our hands. Do we edify them? Do we lead souls to God or away from God in our various capacities?

The key handed over to Peter is the key to heaven. Have the leaders of the Church today become people who unleash hell and mayhem on the people? The key is of love and charity. Where then is the abuse of power and ecclesiastical offices coming from?

We thank God for Peter and all the saintly leaders of the Church whose faith has sustained the Church of Christ for these ages. We thank God that the human elements and devil's plan has not pulled down the Church till our own time.

The prophesy that the gates of hades will not prevail against the Church will be truer if we cooperate with the spirit of God, if we do not hand over the authority that make us children of God to the enemy of our salvation. Let us not allow materialism, indifference, religious syncretism and secularism to make us lose focus of who really holds the key.

Let us be strong in faith and uphold the faith of our Fathers. Let us be good collaborators with the shepherds of the Church. Let us be wise and prayerful in choosing who should pilot the affairs of the Church of Christ. Let ours be a Church that builds true faith and promotes true worship of God in Spirit and in truth. Let the authority of the Church not be silenced by the evil forces in our world (the kidnappers, the evil political thugs, and the 'godfathers' and 'godmothers' of immorality. May the Church continue to be the only key to set people free from bondage, from poverty of the mind, from fetishism. May she remain the voice of the voiceless and her leaders be like caring mothers to feed, nourish and provide the spiritual benefits of the world in crisis. Let us have a Church that will rise to bind on earth whatever that God detests and loose upon earth heavenly blessings so that God's will may be done on earth as it is in heaven.


Thank You Jesus for entrusting Your Church into the care of humans elected as wise stewards to give the household of God their food at proper times. Thank You for being with the Church for these number of Years. Do not leave it now. We need You now than ever. In the face of the various attacks on the teaching authority of the Church from within and from without, we pray that You keep our leaders firm on Christ the Solid rock. Continue to strengthen our faith in You. Strengthen our leaders all the more and give us the grace to be good followers that we may all gather with the jubilant Church when our work here on earth is done. Oh God, bless us and keep us all faithful through Christ our Lord our Lord. Amen

St. Peter, Pray for us.

God bless your Monday

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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