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Monday, February 22, 2021

Refection on the Gospel of Tuesday Week 1 of Lent by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Matthew 6:7-15)

"Oremus" is the Latin translation for 'let us pray'. It is used as a call for solemn prayers in the Church. In the Gospel of today Jesus responds to the request of the disciples: "Teach us how to pray". He taught them the classical prayer: "Pater Noster"

The request of the disciples is also an expression of the desire to pray: Let us pray. We want to pray. We need prayers. We can't do without praying. We feel empty without divine intervention.

Jesus taught them to call God: "Our Father". He taught them to pray not in the way of the Gentiles. He wants them to pray as friends of God. He wants them to pray as those bonded in the Spirit with God. He wants them to pray like those in spiritual connection with their heavenly Father.

During the season of Lent, our prayer Life should be solidified. Our personal and communal prayers should be strengthened. Our meditation on the things of God should not be compromised. Our visit to the Blessed Sacrament should be intensified. Our devotional prayers like the stations of the cross, rosary, divine mercy must be carried out more religiously. 

This period, let us pray in praise and honour of God. Let us thank Him, ask for His mercy. Let us ask Him for the grace to overcome the temptations coming our way. Let us pray to be delivered from every evil.

Let us not relent in praying for ourselves, for the Church, for our troubled world, for our leaders, for our families, for friends and enemies. Let us not stop the spiritual exercise of praying, it is a great weapon given to us by our Lord. Let's treasure it.


We pray Thee Oh Lord. Be glorified and lifted high above all else. Bless us, protect us, strengthen us, be with us. Do not allow us to be put to shame. Do not allow temptations to weigh us down. Give us the confidence to always call You "Our Father" and continue to bless Your Hoy name through Christ our Lord.

God bless your Tuesday (First Week of Lent)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


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