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Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of Thursday Week 4 by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Mark 6:7-13)

The twelve were sent out by Jesus in the Gospel. They were charged and empowered with authority over unclean spirits. They were told what to go out with and what not to go with. They were warned not to move from one place to another. Towards the end of the Gospel, it was testified that "...they went out and preached that men should repent." They also cast out demons, anointed the sick and healed them. They really actualized the mission of calling people to repentance.

How many persons have you made to change from their evil ways to good? Do you even know it is your mission as a child of God to empty hell fire while leading people to heaven? Do you know that it is part of your prophetic role which you received at Baptism to draw people away from sin while leading them to God through holiness?

The call to repentance is a practical duty of the children of God in the world. It is a daily task. As people plan evil day after day, we should endeavour, through the word of God, to make them change their evil plans. You were there when a decision was taken to deprive someone of his rightful belonging and you kept quiet, you're failing in your responsibility to talk holy sense into that committee. You can actually help that woman not to cheat on her husband; by so doing you have made her repent. You can help that man not to be unfaithful by discouraging him from his plan of infidelity. You can help that your Val to change his or her wrong conception about love.

As a wife you can help your politician husband not to be unfair and unjust with the privileges of his office. You can as well preach to your wicked wife to repent of her negative attitudes towards that poor wife of your brother.

For the sake of the kingdom of God, let us not fail to preach in our various capacities for people to repent of their sinful ways and embrace righteousness. May this message of repentance cast away the many demons plaguing our world and heal the world making it a better preparatory place for our everlasting abode in heaven.


Thank You Lord for the message of repentance You have entrusted to us. The sins in our lives and in our world cries to You dear merciful Lord. Give us the grace to accept the call to repentance and repent. Help us too to be able to call people to repentance by word and action through Christ our Lord. Amen

God bless your Thursdays (Week 4, Ordinary Time, Yr B)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from: "Jesus summoned the twelve and began to send them out two by two and gave them authority over unclean spirits." Mark 6 : 7 - Fr. Hugh Duffy's Blog (

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