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Thursday, February 4, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of Friday Week 4 by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Mark 6:14-29)

Herod in today's Gospel reading took a rash decision to do whatever the daughter of Herodias requested. He vowed to bequeath even half of his kingdom to her. What a sell of birth right! What a misappropriation of resources!  

It is indeed not acceptable to enter into sinful covenants. Vows should not be made on an evil altar. Values should not be downplayed in the face of unreasonable pleasure. Are we not seeing family men who can't accept their responsibilities to their wives and children embracing responsibility on account of a promise made for stupid pleasures? How much of our public funds do politicians spend on waywardness and immorality? Do we not see leaders who have not fulfilled their political promises during campaigns fulfilling expensive irrelevant promises to touts, herdsmen, prostitutes and kidnappers with urgency? What a shame!

The most painful aspect of this condition is what happens when these people realize their mess.  Herod realized that his promise was a bad one. The Gospel said that he was exceedingly sorry but...

What are those things you're sorry about, but you can't help? What are those things you feel sorry about but you're ashamed to act in the right direction? Do you really feel sorry about that life you're living but your ego will not allow you to do the right thing?

A lot of evil doers in our society are not doing what they are doing because they don't know that they are evil. They know. They feel sorry but they do not want to liberate themselves. When you feel sorry for anything before or after a decision or an action, ensure you do the needful. Do not be enslaved by the little girl in your life. Who is that little girl (the little pleasure,the sin, the little trick,the little XYZ) dancing around you? Don't allow her to dance away your power of reasoning. Has she succeeded already? Ask for divine mercy and come back to your senses or else she will give birth to many sorrows. Evil begets evil. Herod listened to the daughter of Herodias and ordered for the death of a just man. What a disappointment!

Act on the ‘buts’ that make you not to benefit from the message of your sorry heart.


Oh Lord we thank you for your message today calling us out from our messed edges. We are exceedingly sorry for our wrong decisions to leave the kingdom values and pay attention to little things that shouldn't take our attention. Give us the willpower to say no to the evils dancing around us and be focused in living for you through Christ our Lord. Amen

St. Agatha, Pray for us.

God bless your Friday (4th Week, Ordinary Time, Yr B)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from: FreeBibleimages :: John the Baptist is executed :: Herod Antipas executes John the Baptist (Matthew 14:1-12, Mark 6:14-29)

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