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Monday, February 8, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of Tuesday Week 5 by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Mark 7:1-13)

Washing of hands was seen as observing the tradition of the elders by the Pharisees and indeed the Jews. This is just as washing of hands and other regulations are seen today as observing Covid19 safety protocols. As we encourage hand sanitization, Jesus harps on soul sanitization.

Jesus frowned at the Pharisees for frowning at His disciples who ate without first of all washing. He is not happy with the way they just promote the tradition without caring about the spirit of the tradition.

Every opportunity should be used by us to inquire into the true lesson God wants us to learn. Even though eating without washing was not good hygienically, Jesus went beyond physical hygiene to talk of spiritual hygiene of soul cleansing. Just as we fear breaking the law put in place to check and control the spread of diseases, let us endeavour not to break the law put in place by God to prevent the spread of sin, of corruption, of marginalization, of brutality, of stealing public funds, of not paying workers, of carelessness with regard to health, education and so on and so forth.

Let us wash our hands from taking bribes, let's wash our hearts of planning evils, let us sanitize our environment, places of work, offices by exposing and getting rid of the bad eggs. Let us sanitize our politics and our policies. Let people with sane mentality, pure and holy intentions be positioned to promote the heavenly traditions.

When we do the necessary sanitization needed and not the pharisaic type, our worship of God will no longer be with lips. We will be championing the heavenly tradition of love, peace, holiness, progress, unity and goodness in totality.  We will be good in and out. We will be human and holy. We will live safe, die safe and enjoy everlasting safety in heaven after a worthy life here on earth.


We give You thanks Oh Lord for making us soul and body. Help us to live knowing the importance of our spiritual wellbeing. May we wash our hearts to commune with You in the Eucharist and the Heavenly banquet. May we give attention to our life holistically and always be aware of Your presence around us all the days of our lives through Christ our Lord. Amen.

God bless your Tuesday (5th Week, Ordinary Time, Yr B)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from: You're Probably Not Washing Your Hands Right, Study Says | Time

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