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Sunday, January 3, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of Monday After Epiphany by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


(Mt. 4: 12-17.23-25)

Withdrawal is necessary in life sometimes. In the gospel of today, Jesus withdrew into Galilee after hearing of the death of John the Baptist.

Does it touch you that the word of God is silenced? Does it trigger your reflection that ministers of God are abused and intimidated? Does it give you concerns that the good is seen as evil and evil as good?

These calls for a sit to ponder. Withdraw from the crowd without human feelings. Withdraw from bad friends this year. Withdraw and separate yourself from negative influences. Talk to yourself on best way to live your life. Gather enough momentum to face the challenges ahead.

Jesus did not withdraw to be withdrawn for ever. He withdrew as a form of retreat. He withdrew to strategize. He withdrew for empowerment. This type of withdrawal is very important.

Find out time to withdraw from the noisy world. Withdraw from the world that celebrates evil and evil men. Withdraw into prayers. Withdraw to live better. Withdraw to evaluate yourself. Check if you have the necessary weapons to fight the battles of life. Withdraw to know your preparedness before you venture into anything you want to do. Withdraw for good. It is not timidity nor cowardice when one undertakes this type of withdrawal. It is rather strength.

Withdraw from fights, withdraw from quarrels. Withdraw from dirty talks, withdraw from careless behaviours and lifestyles.

The best time to withdraw is when you want to go down for God to come up. Jesus wanted to ensure that the spiritual in Him supersedes the flesh in the decision He wants to embark on.

Let's know when to withdraw and when to be manifested. Manifestation comes after a well done withdrawal in Christ. May we withdraw from evil and be manifested in holiness with full unction to function for God.


Oh God, our human nature refuses to be bent low. Bend us to your will oh Lord. Help us seek your direction on the best way to follow you and may your inspiration enable us to take the best decisions that will give glory to your holy name through Christ our Lord. Amen

God bless your Monday (Monday after epiphany)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from: Pictures of Jesus -

#EkeJulian #ChimaIsaac #WithdrawalToPray #MomentsOfSilence #WhenToWithdraw #Prayer

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