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Monday, January 4, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of Tuesday After Epiphany by REV. FR. JULIAN O EKEH


(Mark 6:34-44)

The Disciples of Jesus came to Him saying: This is a lonely place, and the hour is now late; send them away, to go into the country and villages round about to buy themselves something to eat. But He answered them: you, give them something to eat.

We see human attitude towards the lonely, the neglected, the unloved and the hopeless. We send them away, build walls to keep them off, we are less concerned, we do not feel for them. It was night and cold, it was dangerous and fearful, yet the disciples never thought of what would happen to these men when they are left to go alone without a guide, without light, with empty stomach in that place of loneliness. All they cared about was to send them away 'Ka nri ha zuoro ha' (to avoid their cutting their normal ration of bread). That is human attitude.

The divine attitude to human loneliness is an interesting one. We started seeing it in Genesis when God saw how lonely the man was and made a helpmate for him. Today, God, in Christ, teaches the disciples this divine attitude towards human loneliness. He says: You, give them something to eat. Meaning you get involved in the other person's matters. You, stop being selfish. You, stop pushing your wife/ husband away by your attitudes. Are you in the midst of 'friends' and yet lonely? Do you leave that person that lives close to you lonely by your character?

Feed them with something good. Feed them with care, feed them with love, feed them with gentleness, feed them by sharing, yes share your time, share your gifts, share your privileges, share your connectedness positively.

The disciples were connected to Jesus, but instead of using their connection to draw people to God, take them away from loneliness, take them away from frustration, save them from the hopelessness of not knowing what to do and the embarrassment of not knowing which way to go, they push them away.

 The message of today presents to us a God who will never abandon us, a true friend who will not allow us be put to shame, a caring saviour whose compassion will not stand seeing us struggling alone. In Christ, we have a God who loves us and so feeds us with the word and the sacraments, a God who will not leave us to feel lonely.

God through the word of God today, calls on us to look around us and see those who are in need of our help, to heal our world of loneliness, to rid our society of suicides, to treat others the way God treats us.


O Lord, your word had revealed to us the difference in our ways and your ways. We are sorry for our attitudes of pushing people away from you by our selfishness. Help us to think less of ourselves and more of others. Comfort the lonely. Heal every injury created by loneliness especially the injury of despair and aggression through Christ our Lord. Amen

God bless your day (Tuesday after Epiphany)


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