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Saturday, January 2, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of the Solemnity of Epiphany of the Lord by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


(Matthew 2:1:12)

Today is the epiphany of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is a solemnity. That word 'Epiphany' has a Greek origin and means manifestation or revelation. Thus, in this solemnity we celebrate the revelation of Christ to the gentiles which we saw in his manifestation of himself to the magi; the three kings who visited from the east. The names of these kings as given by extra biblical sources are: Melchior, Casper and Balthazar.

Our celebration today is a celebration of divine inclusiveness. Here, God manifests Himself outside Israel. It is a celebration of divine involvement. God gets each and every one of us no matter the race, tribe, colour or tradition involved in coming to partake in the joys of the incarnation and salvation. It is a universal celebration. God has come to show His love to the world, for He so loved the world that He gave His only Son.

This celebration celebrates the outreaching nature of God. It celebrates the fact that the reign of God reaches beyond earth bounds. We see the frustration of rejecting and playing God. We see also the joy of worshipping and adoring God, the joyful reverence of the wise men showed us this, while the foolishness of Herod teaches us the lesson not to try deceiving God.



Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? Was the question of the wise men. This question is a good one. This is an enquiry of a genuine soul, a soul searching to know, a soul in quest of revelation, a soul longing to be enlightened, one seeking to understand.

But unfortunately, the question was asked to the wrong person, Herod. Who do you run to when faced with doubts and confusions concerning your faith, your life, your marriage, your vocation, etc?

If you stumble upon the wrong persons you will receive heresy, lies, confusions, emptiness and total failure. You may play yourself into the hand of one who wants your doom. That was what happened to Eve when she discussed with the serpent. Beware of who directs you.

Spiritual direction matters a lot in the journey to God, in the desire to know God, in the effort to come closer to God. The devil does not want you to worship Christ whose light continually invites you. But don't give in to his deception.


The enemies of your salvation go to the extent of knowing the plan of God for you, so as to pull you down. Yes, as you inquire to know God, a lot of forces inquire on how to come up with temptations and even persecutions to weigh you down. Herod did all these.


Our world today is filled with false worshippers here and there. They present themselves as good people of God but in reality, they are not. They parade themselves as those who have something good to offer but in truth, they have nothing to offer. They speak tenderly to you and you feel they are for real, but they are like the Pharisees.  The false worshippers call Lord, but their hearts are far from God. The false worshippers pretend to help people see God and take people to God, but they in actual sense take people away from God and put a pillar of darkness preventing the people from seeing God. They come to Church, but it is for evil purposes. They come to kidnap, they come to steal, they come to seduce, they come to womanize, they come to make a show, they come to distract themselves and others. They use 'fake godliness' to cover a multitude of evils. Beware of them! They like Herod come to you promising to worship as well, but otu awughi ezi (it is all false).


Continue along the way of transparency and holiness. Sustain the initial spark of divine light in you. Be inclined unto the noble, towards the ultimate good. Shun the drive that makes you forget where you're coming from and where you're going to in your prayer life, in your sacramental life, in your vocation, in your marriage, education, business etc. Keep on walking in the light of faith (lumen fidei) which in itself is the light of the nations( lumen gentium) that shines from Christ, revealing Him to the world of sin and darkness. The wise men saw this light and followed it. Let us follow the direction of light always.


In great joy the wise men opened their treasures and offered what they had to the new born king they saw. They gave significant gifts, symbolic indeed. They gave gold, frankincense and myrrh.

Coming to worship the Lord, coming to see the manifestations of God, one must sacrifice that which he treasures most. Enter into a romantic exchange with the Lord. Give him your gold (your authority, your pride, your talents, your powers) Give him your frankincense (your prayers, your services, your worship, your praise and your joys) Give him your myrrh (your sorrows, your pains, your tears, your fears, your frustrations, your family problems, the sicknesses and the deaths).


When the wise man completed their offerings, they followed another way home according to the instructions of the angel of God.

Know when you're serving the interest of the agents of darkness. They come to steal your joy, to put away your light, to frustrate your ambitions, to make you spiritually restless. Take the joy of the Lord home. Carry the blessings of living in the presence of God to wherever you're. The light of Christ shines in you. Let it shine in your families, in your life, in your endeavours and bring you to salvation.


Thank you, Lord Jesus, for bringing us into the light of faith. Let this light shine steadily in our world that tries like Herod to destroy your reign.  Take absolute control of the whole universe and help us to find our joy in you through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Happy Epiphany Sunday.

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

#Epiphany #SolemnityOfEpiphany #FrJulianEke #FrIsaacChima #CatholicChurch

Image From: Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord – Revealing the Face of Christ as Gift of Peace | Dominican Sisters Cabra

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