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Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of Wednesday of the 3rd Week of Advent by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


(Luke 7:19-23)

John the Baptist from his prison cell sent a message to Jesus through his two disciples. The message was a question:  Are you the one who is to come, or shall we look for another?" Jesus replied them: "Go and tell John what you have seen... Blessed is he who takes no offense at me".

John represents each and everyone of us fed up with life. He represents those who are almost giving up on life. He represents those who feel God has abandoned them. He represents those facing one form of injustice or the other. John in prison represents those marginalized for one reason or the other. John in prison makes us remember our world in the chains of economic, health and political monsters. John in prison makes us think of the hopeless situation of our academics in this country. It makes us think of the futureless condition of our youth.

But thank God, we have Jesus Christ. John knew that the Son of God to come is the only one who can remedy all these situations.

Little wonder he inquired: Are you no longer the one? Have you not started work? What are you waiting for dear Lord? Who else do we have except you? Who do we look up to for help if not you? Let your people not be put to shame nor disappointed. Do not allow us to perish. Come Lord and deliver us. It is now a matter of emergency.

Take a message to John about what you see, Jesus said.

The coming of Jesus brings a message of hope and joy. The coming of Jesus begins a new thing in the life of the children of God. The coming of Jesus into any situation will not allow any condition to remain the same. Those who are blind will see. Those who have not seen anything good in their families will see the good hand of God as he comes. The lame will walk, everything not moving will start moving. Progress will set in, in the right direction. Lepers are cleaned. Whatever dirty thing in us, whatever sin keeping us stained will be cleansed. The deaf begins to hear.  Good news will be heard once again, testimonies will return.

Let's not give up on God. Let's not backslide. Let's not stop our spiritual preparations. Let's not be tired of waiting on God. Let's not regret our decisions to abandon old evil ways. The Lord is coming and with His coming He will be doing something new in our lives. He will set us free from our bondages. Let us set ourselves free from the bondage of sin.


We are tempted Oh Lord to give up by the many unfavourable circumstances surrounding us. We are in the prison of poverty, sickness, joblessness, insecurity, marital problems, vocation crisis and confusions. Speak to us not to give up. Make us see the wondrous doings of your holy hands through Christ our Lord. Amen

God bless your Wednesday (Advent, Week 3)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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