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Monday, December 14, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of Tuesday of the 3rd Week of Advent by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


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(Matthew 21:28-32)

The Gospel of today presents before us the two sons sent by their father to go and work in his vineyard. The one who said yes at first to the father did not later go, whereas the one who said he will not go later went to work in the vineyard of the father.

These sons represent the two categories of the children of God. Those who said yes are those who begin the Christian journey, take certain decisions and stop somewhere along the line. They are those who accept Jesus at baptism, who are born in Christianity, who renounce Satan and his empty promises. But lose sight of their covenant with God.

Such persons are encouraged by the word of God today to remain faithful to the end, to remember the One they gave their fiat, to be dutiful and devoted in the work God has entrusted to them.

The Son who said he will not go at the beginning and later went represents those who had no zeal at the beginning, who were initially spiritually lazy, who never listened to the word of God, who do not take the voice of their conscience seriously. But later repented and did the will of the Father. Like saint Paul, they got their conversion later. Like St Augustine such persons repent after going about other businesses. They are able to fall back to grace after frequent falls and broken vows. But they rise and move back to please God the rest of their lives.

We are still in advent. Some people began well. They said yes when John the Baptist cried in the wilderness: Repent! They took the decision to run the spiritual race of advent to the best of their ability but unfortunately, they fall apart at the roadside.

It is three weeks already; they have not done up to half of their promise. They're rather going down each passing day. Jesus encourages such persons to fall back to the grace of God and make this year's Christmas preparation the best.

On the other hand, there is still opportunity for those who have not done anything so far. The Lord is saying that in sincerity one may still say yes now. No time is too late to return to God and do His will.

Search yourself and know the things that make you to go contrary to what you promised to God.  Search well also to know what makes you always to say no when God wants your yes. Repent for all the promise and fail you have done to God and even to man.


Dead Lord God, we pray today for faithfulness and repentance. Keep us faithful to do your will. Help us to repent for the many times we have chosen to do our own will. May we derive joy in doing your holy will through Christ or Lord. Amen.

God bless your Tuesday (Advent, Week 3)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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