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Sunday, December 13, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of Monday of the 3rd Week of Advent by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


(Matthew 21:23-27)

You do not owe anyone any explanation for doing good. The good you do must speak for itself. People inquiring to know the secret of your actions with evil intentions should be denied such opportunities. Wisdom from above is needed to know these dishonest inquirers who seek to pull you down spiritually.

In the gospel of today, Jesus knew that these chief priests meant harm. They wanted to put a stop to the work of God. These elders were not happy with the good works of our Lord Jesus Christ. They looked for a way to discredit Him. They came to set a trap for Him to fall by asking Him the authority with which He works.

Do not disturb yourself convincing people with words on doing good. Continue doing it. Do not enter into dialogue with people who do not have any spiritual advantage to offer to you. If the person is a hardened sinner who has chosen the way of evil, do not allow him lead you to sin. Some men who have failed already will like to drag your effort to the mud, never fall prey to their trap. He who is down need no fall. There are people who do not care about their spiritual standing, give them no attention. Learn how to dismiss them without apologies.

Have you been able to discover the agents of darkness coming to know the secret of your success with evil intents? They are all over everywhere. They want to know why you're moving on in that marriage upon all the challenges. They want to know why you dress decently when indecency has become the 'new order'. They want to know why you insist on disciplining your children in a world of anything goes.  They want to find out why you do not join them to violate the rules and regulations. They want to know why you have refused to do all forms of malpractices they do. They want to know the authority you have to stop bribery and corruption from your own office.

Entering into conversation with such persons will make no meaning. Jesus is encouraging us today by His own action to dismiss such a person without apologies.

Find out all the forces in your life questioning the authority of God. Any such powers should be silenced and never be given a favourable attention.

Let us pray

Oh God, we thank you for manifesting your authority in our lives. We hand over our lives to you entirely and submit ourselves under the authority of your Son. Open our eyes, give us the wisdom of your Holy Spirit to silence and dismiss every power fighting against the operation of your Holy hand in our lives. May we be able to disarm the enemies of your good works in our lives through Christ our Lord. Amen.

St John of the Cross, pray for us.

God bless your Monday (Advent, Week 3)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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