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Friday, December 4, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of Saturday of the 1st Week of Advent by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


(Matthew 9:35-10:1.5a.6-8)

Jesus expressed His concern over the various forces harassing, embarrassing and frustrating the children of God.  He felt bad at the helplessness of His people in the face of the situations that leave them like sheep without a shepherd.

He prays for the sense of mission. He prays for the gift of vision. He gives the empowerment to cast out the demons responsible for the bad conditions of the people of God. For this was He sent. He is on the mission of being the shepherd of His people. The enemy wants to scatter the divine order you carry. But God sends His Son that you may have life in abundance and not be lost. His holy will for you is that you may be healed of whatever infirmity or disease you have. He speaks hope and meaning into your life. He wants you to live positive under the confidence that you have a God above that saves, that God is with you, that your redeemer lives.

If God is your shepherd, if He saves you from shame, if His compassionate heart goes out for you, then you have to live confidently that whatever the devil is using to harass your life must bow at the authority of Christ.

We have been harassed by bad government; may God intervene. We are passing through economic harassment; we look up to God to come to our aid. Our people are harassed by hunger, the shepherd alone can lead us to a greener pasture.

Jesus comes to harass whatever that is harassing you. Fear not, feel His shepherding hands.

Let us pray

Oh God, we your people are harassed by a lot of challenges. But we have a shepherd and Saviour in your Son our Lord Jesus Christ. Intervene and heal us by your grace through Christ our Lord. Amen

God bless your Saturday (Advent, Week 1)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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