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Friday, December 4, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of Friday of the 1st Week of Advent by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Matthew 9:27-31)

The two blind men in the Gospel of today followed Jesus crying out loud: "Have mercy on us , Son of David." He touched them and their eyes were opened.

This is the Holy season when the whole universe focus her gaze on the the stock of Jesse, on the lineage of David, on the descendant of that king that fought and destroyed Goliath   without a spear after many years of humiliating God's people.

What are those sins that held us bound for years? What are those things that made us blind and unable to see what God is doing in us, what God wants to do in us and what God has come to deliver us from?

The blind men did not allow their own advent to pass them by. Advent as we know is the coming of a notable person. In the spirit of advent, as we wait for the coming of the Son of David, as we expect the visitation of God into the human family, let us cry out for the mercy of God. Let our devotion to the Divine Mercy be solidified.

Oh yes! We should entreat the mercy of God. If not for the mercy and love of God, He wouldn't have sent His only Begotten Son. He sent Him so that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life. Oh little wonder why Jesus in today's Gospel asked the blind men: Do you believe  that I am able to do this? They said: "Yes Lord."

Have you been thinking that you're the greatest sinner? Say Yes Lord to the mercy of God, it is for your sake that Jesus entered the human family.

Are you feeling that the Lord has forgotten your family? Believe that He can do it for you in His mercy. Yes, He will!

Are your eyes blinded by tears, fears, frustrations, disappointments, heartbreaks and hardship? The Lord is full of mercy and compassion. He lives for you.

The Lord will not stop showing you mercy. Feel free to obtain mercy from Him. Again, when you're shown mercy, show mercy to those around you. Activate the mercy of God in your life and be merciful to those in need of it, your fellow wives, your colleagues, those under you, your house helps, the sick, the aged, the motherless, orphaned, the lonely and the unloved.

Let us pray

Have mercy on us Son of David. As you come dear Lord, we beg you to come with mercy. We can't stand your judgment. Heavenly Father, we may be blind to the merciful moments you lavish upon us. Help us not to misuse once again this gracious season of advent you have given us to appreciate the mercy that moved you to send your Son into the world. Bless, forgive and heal us  in your mercy through Christ our Lord. Amen

St John Damascene, pray for us

God bless your Friday(Advent, Week 1)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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