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Saturday, December 5, 2020




(Mark 1:1-8)

The voice that speaks tenderly to the people of God cries out today in the desert. We are called upon not to ignore this solemn voice. That voice has our good at heart. Our salvation is the greatest concern for which it cries. What does it cry? What is the message of this second Sunday of Advent? Prepare! Prepare!! Prepare!!! Yes! Let's prepare in joy for the coming of our Lord. Let us make straight his paths. Let us be among those who will see the salvation of God.

What does it entail to prepare for the Lord? Let's hear what the voice cries:


This is a time to feel sorry for our wrongdoings. It is a time to regret having offended such a God who loves us so tenderly and wishes to save us in Christ. Repentance should be done in sincerity. It should be followed by a decision to live better.


The gospel today revealed to us that all the people went in mass to prepare for the first Christmas confessing their sins at River Jordan. Let us not wait till the last day of advent to go for confessions. Let's not allow any sin to hold us in bondage when Jesus is near us to set us free, when Jesus wishes to liberate us from every form of captivity.

Oh, this is the time to pray: "I confess to Almighty God" and mean every word of the prayer, a time to repent for acts of omissions and commissions. It is a time to show ourselves to the priest at the confessional and receive absolution. Confess it, remove that load. Ask Jesus to take off that burden from you.


This time Jesus wants us to forgive each other. As we look up for divine mercy, we are reminded to look around and see those who offended us asking for our forgiveness and even those of them who do not feel like forgiving. Forgive them. Also forgive your own self. Don't live in the guilt of your past. Rise up and clean your dust, ride on to embrace the Lord. His arms are outstretched to take you in.

Let go. Let families prepare to let go of whatever that has been keeping them in enmity and malice. Forgive dad and mum, forgive brothers and sisters, forgive the hurts.

Let there be community reconciliation. Let the pastor reconcile with the congregation. Let the government enter into a harmonious understanding with the people. Let the past be in the past. Let us correct the wrongs we have done already. Let love lead.

Receive forgiveness from those who initiate it if you can't initiate one. It takes the grace of God to initiate it especially when you think you're not at fault. Appreciate the one who tells you: "I have forgiven you".


The LCM of being joyful in this preparation is living a simple life. Jesus is coming like a child; this should be a lesson for us.

The Gospel of today gives us the picture of John the Baptist who wore Carmel's hair. Christmas preparation is unfortunately viewed as a time to show achievements for the year. It is not a time of fashion. Dear Fine girl/ woman (nwa oma osiso) Jesus is not concerned about the expensive wears, hair, shoe etc and the shoppings you're embarking on. The simpler you're the better. Don't be preoccupied by things that doesn't matter. They will leave you sad because you will never feel satisfied. The joy of having increases by having. But the earlier you feel the joy of having Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour the better for you.

Let us also learn a lesson from John the Baptist when he said: He who is mightier than I comes after me.

It is important for us to know that all fingers are not equal. Let's stop comparing our Christmas preparation with those of others.  Let's do the necessary clean-up and be more spiritual than materialistic this time.


That voice in the wilderness insists that the one who is coming will baptise with the Holy Spirit.

Let us live in the spirit of the season. Let us live in preparation and alertness. Let us not forget our baptism which plunged us into living with Christ and dying to sin. Thus, any other thing we are doing that is against the spirit of this joyful preparation comes from the evil one and should be frowned at.

The roads that are being repaired this period should remind us of the road to our souls. What are the potholes in your heart? Fill it with God's grace. What are the crooked things in your lifestyle? The fraud? The immorality? The dishonesty, infidelity? etc. Expose them to the Lord.

Let the interactions, cultural displays, the tournaments, etc be done in the spirit of the Lord; of love, brotherhood, unity, peace, reconciliation and progress. Let us baptise our evil ways with divine ways. Let us be ready to get divinity involved in humanity.


Thank you, Almighty God, for the comforting voice calling us to prepare for the coming of the Lord. Help us to do this preparation in the right spirit and disposition. Open our ears to hear your word and repent of our evil ways. Forgive us and help us to forgive one another and welcome your Son with joy through Christ our Lord. Amen

Happy Sunday (Second Sunday of Advent, Yr. B)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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