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Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Wednesday of the 4th Week of Easter: Reflection by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



image from: I Am The Light of the World: John 8:12 (

(John 12:44-50)

In today's Gospel Jesus cried out because of the people's refusal to embrace the light which He brings. He cried out seeing the darkness covering them. He cried at their decision to remain in the dark, in bondage, in evil, in corruption even as the Pascal light shines. He cried at their stubbornness to accept the Good News which He brings from the Father.

Today, if Jesus comes, do you think He will smile? Do you think there's anything funny He will behold? Do you think anything will ever stop Him from crying out loud? Oh, nothing will stop the Jesus Christ of today's Gospel from crying out even louder.

In this country, Jesus will see injustice. He must cry. He will see marginalization. He will cry out. He will see corruption and cry out. Jesus will see killings here and there and raise alarm. Jesus will see false accusations against the innocent and cry out. Jesus will cry at the oppression and suppression in this country. Jesus will cry when He sees the darkness that has blindfolded our leaders, the greed that has beclouded their sense of reasoning, the insensitivity they manifest while dealing with the poor masses. He will weep at the unemployment, at the wealth we trample upon in poverty, at the way the wealth from one part of the country is being used to develop another part of the country while at the same time using the nuisance from one part of the country to impoverish other peaceful parts.

The unfortunate political situation of this country will cause Jesus to weep. The quagmire, anarchy and chaos reigning today will force tears out from the eyes of Jesus. The idea of 'ichu oke' by 'ndi ulo ha na-agba oku' (not taking precautions to restore order) will not be a funny sight for Jesus. The cries of the innocent, the helter skelter running of the homeless will make Jesus to cry.  The sleepless nights, the gunshots, the insecurity, the kidnappings will make Jesus to cry out: Azi gbakwa oo! Nsogbu dikwa oo! Nhe kaa wu nini? Chukwu parakwa tulee oo!; Save your people Lord!

Let us all be drawn by the light. Let us all do it right this time around. Let our leaders tell themselves the truth. Let us all follow the voice of God, the voice of truth, the voice of lasting and not temporary peace. May God preserve us from the oppressions of the agents of darkness in our world.


Almighty ever living God. Source of all lights. We need the light of peace, the light of protection, the light of progress, the light of justice, the light of holiness, the light of truth, the light that enlightens our paths. Let this light lead us out of the evils from the agents of darkness in our world. Arise Oh Lord and raise Your cry of victory, the holy cry that wipes away our own cries. Grant that your light may forever conquer the darkness we face here through Christ our Lord. Amen.

God bless your Wednesday (Easter, Week 4)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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