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Monday, April 26, 2021

Tuesday of the 4th Week of Easter: Reflection by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


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(John 10:20-30)

The Good Shepherd speaks on. He leads still even as the unknown seem to be taking over, even in the face of the challenging turbulences here and there. God still carries us in His saving hands. We have been entrusted into His care. He wants us to continue to entrust ourselves into His merciful hands. Let us not lose the Divine grip. Let us hold Him firm. Let's remain where He has placed us.

What are the forces struggling to snatch you away from God? No one should take you away from God. You are the only one that can hand yourself over to the enemy. Do not do that. Don't do it because of fear, because of persecutions, because of threats, because of difficulties or weakness.

You are that weak lamb the Lord, your Shepherd carries in His hands. So even in your weakest point you're closer to God. You are the one closest to His heart.  Your whole strength is in His hands. The strong and mighty may collapse and fall but you shall not slip from His holy hands. He lifts you and carries you with His hands. "O gaghi ekwe ka I daa."

Remain in God's hand. Hold him firm. You're that precious child He will not allow the enemy to snatch. Your name is written on the palm of His hands. He will not abandon you. Give Him your hands in prayers, Give Him your hands in charity, give Him your hands in holiness. May God save us from the snatchers. May our souls not go away from God.


Thank You Lord God for today. Make us to believe in Your word that no one can take us away from You. Save us from the evil hands and keep us safe in the hollow of your Holy Hands through Christ our Lord. Amen.

God bless your Tuesday (Easter, Week 4).

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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