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Friday, April 9, 2021

Saturday of the Octave of Easter: Reflection by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


image from: Christians Are Not of This World | Study - Grow - Know (

(Mark 16:9-15)

Jesus today upbraided the disciples who never believed in the truth of His resurrection. At the end of the Gospel, He charged them to go into all the world and preach. They should preach that Jesus is alive. Yes, the eleven apostles are to go and bear witness that Christ is risen. This message is for all, to all the world.

"Into all the world" rings a bell in this Gospel. The Lord charges us to go into the world of religion, into the world of politics, into the world of academia, into the world of medicine, into the world of economics, into the world of business, into the world of production and manufacturing, into the world of social media, of marriage, vocations, just name it.

Wherever we are as Christians the message of the risen Christ should be on our lips and expressed in our actions. Let us raise the standard of all we do to where Christ wants them to be. Let Christian leaders proclaim the Good News in governance. Let Christian teachers and students teach and learn the Christ way. Let Christian fashion designers not design wears that promote immorality. Let businessmen and women who are Christians stop being greedy. Let Christians who are law enforcement agents not be corrupt and unfair to people. Let them not be brutal and wicked. People who should ensure that workers are paid should not steal from such funds. Let us all preach to the world that promotes hardship to be more loving.

In our preaching, let us condemn evil in the high and low places while we promote goodness and all the virtues that will help us rise with Christ on the last day.


Thank You Lord Jesus for entrusting us with the message of the resurrection joy. Give us the grace to preach to all the world encouraging people to rise from their slumber, from their sin, from corruption, from wickedness, from paying deaf ears to hardship and insecurity of lives and properties. Bless your word in our heart Almighty God through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Happy Easter (Saturday, Easter Octave)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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