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Thursday, April 8, 2021

Friday of the Octave of Easter: Reflection by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



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(John 21:1-14)

The apostles who deserted Christ had gone back to their former ways. Since Jesus is no more, there's no need continuing to waste away. They decided to do it their own way. They came up with the idea of moving on. But moving on without Christ was a movement in the wrong direction. They didn't succeed. They didn't get it right. They caught nothing. They laboured in vain. They kept awake in futility.

Jesus gave them the right direction to follow. When they did, they made a great catch of fish. They realized that no one else can do this except Christ, and Peter who had witnessed Jesus do this in the past declared: "It is the Lord!" 

Dear Child of God, the resurrected Christ gives you direction to the right path, to the right choices, to the right relationships, to the right words, to the right works, to the right connections, to the right XYZ. Follow where He leads, and you will never regret it. He leads you through the earthly sojourn to the heavenly bliss prepared for you and the saints.

May God bless all your efforts, may they not be in vain, may your sleeplessness not be a waste, may your long night never be a night of failure but of success. May your inner ears be opened to the voice helping you to do it right always.


We can't really do it right without you Oh Christ. Teach us, direct us, guide us, moderate us, let your good spirit lead us in the path of joy, true peace, answered prayers, holiness and everlasting life. Oh God, may we catch the joy of Your resurrection in abundance and never be led astray by the enemy of our salvation through Christ our Lord. Amen

Happy Easter (Friday, Easter Octave)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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