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Monday, March 15, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of Tuesday Week 4 of Lent by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(John 5:1-16)

This is a question Jesus asked the paralytic man in today's gospel reading.  He's been in this situation for thirty-eight years. He's been there giving reasons for not being healed. He's been there missing opportunities of recovery. He's been there enjoying being called sick. He has stopped making efforts to get well. He has stopped expecting any way out of his condition. He no longer knows what he wants. Anything goes for him now. He has become helpless. He has condemned himself to be totally dependent on the forces around him. He has objectified himself. He is now docile to evil and manipulations.

This man was not just sick. But he was in sin. He was not just physically paralyzed but spiritually crippled too. He can't go far in the spirit world. He can't rise on the wings of prayer. He doesn't channel his prayers aright. He looks around for any and every one that comes to receive whatever he has to offer. Anything now goes for him. He has lost his sense of moral judgment. He is down to the lowest level. His state is now a very pitiable one. Jesus intervenes: Do you want to be healed?

This is our problem, this is the problem of our society, this is the problem with the Church and our world at large.  Jesus asks us all this question today. Do we really want to get well? Have we not started seeing our paralysis as something to be enjoyed?

Do we want to get well when we have our pet sins, those sins we are not ready to leave, those sins we still plan to go back to shortly after confessions? Do we have any plans of getting well when we allow our human elements to override divine will in the Church? Do we have the intention of getting well when we put before us the love for money, reaping without sowing, stealing mandates, accepting and giving bribes, favouritism in our activities?

How can Nigeria do well when the people with sincere intentions and progressive mindset are eliminated? How can we rise when insecurity is high, and nothing serious is being done to stop the kidnappings, intimidations and killings even when the powers that be know what to do to end it all?

Do we really want to be healed? This matters a lot to Christ. If we want it, we will have it. Christ has already granted it. He has paid for our peace and wholeness. When you're ready to leave that bad habit, that sinful relationship, that evil clique Jesus heals you. But not without a warning. As Christ heals you through His word this season and in the Sacrament of reconciliation, hear what He says to you Nwa Chukwu:  "See, you are well, sin more, that nothing worse befall you."


Lord Jesus Christ, we are tired of looking for help here and there, allowing sin to take the better part of us and lying flat on the soil of corruption and depravity. Heal us by the power of your word and sacraments oh Lord. Loving Father, give us the willpower to desire total healing from you and to say goodbye finally to sin. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

God bless your Tuesday (4th Week of Lent)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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