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Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of the Feast of St Patrick by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Luke 5:1-11)

Today we celebrate the feast of St Patrick. We are celebrating St Patrick as the second Patron of Nigeria based on the fact that he was the one who brought the faith to Ireland, a land that in turn produced the missionaries that evangelized many people and brought the Good News down to Nigeria.

This feast has been a great feast in Nigeria. It is a public holiday for our Catholic Students. It is worth it. We use this feast to appreciate God for all that the Irish missionaries came here with including education, healthcare, development, civilization, freedom etc.

They really became catchers and fishers of men for Christ. Today's Gospel invites us to respond as the apostles responded and as the Irish missionaries inspired by St Patrick did to the call to catch men for God. It is a clarion call on each and everyone of us with regard to whether we have accepted and made the Gospel of Christ our own. We are challenged to grab the time. It is time for Africa to start going out to re-evangelize our evangelizers. It is high time we began to live convinced Christian lifestyles that will draw people to God and draw God to the people. It is indeed time we started allowing our Christian religious tenets to influence our decisions in government, business, education, health matters, human relationship etc.

This feast gives us an opportunity to keep an eye on the scripture, on the person of Christ, on the apostles and on St Patrick to ask ourselves as a local Church if we are making enough effort to bring people to God, if we are even well drawn to Christ, if we are ready and willing to touch people positively with our words, with our actions and with our gifts. Let's rely on the grace of God and follow His directions to achieve these. We can, if on Him alone we depend.


Thank You Oh God for the gift of St Patrick. Help us to emulate His holy zeal for the salvation of souls and start winning souls for Your kingdom where with   You we shall live and reign for ever and ever. Amen

God bless your Day.

Happy Feast of St Patrick.

St Patrick, Pray for us.

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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