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Monday, March 8, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of Tuesday Week 3 of Lent by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Matthew 18:21-35)

We offend people often knowingly and unknowingly. People offend us regularly. What do we do about this situation? Live with the hurt? Hold it against them? Look for opportunity to strike back? Have our pound of flesh? What about those we offend? Are we going to be comfortable if they give it back to us and insist on keeping malice with us?

Peter must have experienced a lot of cases on forgiveness. People may have abused his forgiving spirit? People may have taken him for a ride because he forgives. He is getting tired forgiving. He has taken the decision not to forgive again. Enough is enough. He has started looking foolish and stupid because of his letting go mentality. He wants to close the door of his heart. Thus, he asks Jesus how many times he should forgive. Jesus replied: Not seven times but seventy times seven times. Peter's suggestion of seven implies that he must have forgiven someone about six or seven times and wants to stop forgiving.

Don't stop forgiving; Let's not stop forgiving each other. Forgiveness is healing. It makes our society a peaceful one. It creates room for progress.  When you bear grudge against the other it affects the way you see him. You will never see good in that person. The person's fortune means misfortune for you. You may even wish him dead. Unforgiving spirit gives birth to numerous other sins. It can lead to killing, defamation of character etc. It steals your joy and leaves you sad, thereby giving you an experience of hell while on earth.

"If you do not forgive..." Says the Lord, a lot may follow. If you do not forgive that your wife your life will be filled with sorrows. If you do not forgive your husband your peace will certainly be farfetched. If you do not forgive that your son, daughter, colleague, worker, superior the pain will stay on with you. Forgive and have your peace. Forgive and give the other peace.

It is not easy to forgive. It is very difficult. But it is more difficult to live with unforgiveness. You may cry before forgiving. Cry than die without forgiving. Say it. Speak it out. Those words are very powerful. Just three words: I forgive you. If you have not heard it especially from someone you think will never forgive you, you will not understand. Don't say it because the other deserves it. Say it and mean it because you want your peace of soul and your peace with God.

May God help us to forgive daily and be forgiven often by God whom we offend now and again.


O God, You know too well how difficult it is to forgive. But since You said I must forgive and You have taught me how to forgive, by Your grace may l forgive all those who have offended me. May I not get tired in forgiving through Christ our Lord. Amen

God bless Your Tuesday (3rd Week of Lent)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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