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Friday, March 5, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of Saturday Week 2 of Lent by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


Image from: The Waiting Father: Thoughts on the Prodigal Son | A Lesson Learned (

(LUKE 15: 1-3.11-32)

Today's gospel presents to us the story of the son who wasted the riches of His Father. We also saw the first son who wished the prodigal son dead. Then, we have the image of the loving Father who is rich in mercy.

The truth is that the prodigal son went too far. The realistic first son was the one who was vocal about his wastefulness. He should not be allowed into the house again. He disowned his father. He wished him dead. He cut himself off from Him. He made himself the measure of all things.  He was blinded by wealth, by lust, by satisfying the flesh, by the desire to explore, by trying to check out, by experimenting life outside regulations, by quest for freedom.

He went out, left the Father's hand of grace and plunged himself into all forms of disgrace. They held him down. They dragged him to the mud. They pulled him down. He was totally sapped. He lost everything. The hero came to zero level. The prince lost his rings. His identity disappeared. He came down to an unimaginable and unbelievable level. He was tattered, hungry and ashamed.

But that was not the end of the story. He learnt from his experience. He compared life in grace and life outside of grace. It brings us to comparison between life in grace and life out of grace. The difference is clear. He came to his senses. He took a serious decision. He made a resolution to rise and make a move back to the Father's house. And, indeed, the Father did welcome him in a grand style.

Dearest beloved in the Lord, what is holding you down? What is keeping you away from going higher in virtue and grace? You have moved out of grace, yes! You still want to go back to God, true! But who and what is frustrating your effort to rise up to God?

Strike your heart this Holy Season of returning to God and tell yourself: I will arise!

Arise child of God. Rise from that mistake. Rise from that failure. Rise from that committee of bad friends. Arise and leave those gossipers and deceivers. Rise from that sin. Rise from that bed of atrocities.  Sleep no more. Do not allow this period to slip off from your hand. Do not stay far away from the house of God this time. Do not think you've gathered enough grace that you don't need more. Do not think you are no longer in need of spiritual assistance. Do not think that because everything is okay now you can go on spiritual holiday

 Arise! Practice virtues, pray more, suppress the flesh and its desires. Lift up your heart to God in faith. The Lord will receive you. He waits to embrace and bless you. Don't let the guilt and weight of your sin to weigh you down. To err is human, to forgive is divine. Will it dear; You will rise again.


We thank You Lord for Your readiness and willingness to raise us again and again. Help us not to abuse Your grace and mercy. May we rise again, may our families rise again. May the Church rise. May our fallen country rise. May we rise in faith, hope and charity. May we rise with Christ at the resurrection morning where with You and the Holy Spirit we shall praise You with joy for ever and ever. Amen

God bless your Saturday (2nd Week of Lent)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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