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Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of Thursday Week 5 by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh



(Mark 7:24-30)

A woman, a non-Jew, a Syrophoenician by birth came to Jesus today, to plead for a divine inclusion, "ka Chukwu gunye ya, maka na Chukwu gunye ya, o nweghi onye ga agupu ya". She begs to be made worthy of God's deliverance and healing mercy. She begs to receive even little portion of what the children of God receive. She valued even what many who saw themselves as Children of God valued less. She saw in Christ what the Israelites were not seeing. She saw Christ as the solution to the troubles in her household.

She paid the price needed to attract Jesus Christ: Faith. She passed through the test of faith. She proved that she knew what she was asking. She was convinced that it is honourable to be a servant of God than to be under demonic chains. She drew the attention of Christ to her home.

Jesus made the spiritual journey into her family and found the child possessed by the demon. He did the exorcism without being physically present. He assured the woman of the wellbeing of the daughter. She went home and found her lying in bed, and the demon gone. Amazing!

Can we learn from this woman to draw the attention of Christ to our immediate families? A lot of us face serious family challenges. Let us begin a novena calling on God to deliver us, deliver our entire families.  We need divine deliverance upon the children in our families, the youths, the mothers, the fathers, the house helps and so on. Various demons of our time are in operation in our homes, causing lack of peace, mistrust, disobedience, laziness, cheating, weakness in prayers, sickness, all forms of manipulation and death.

Let us storm the heavens with tears, prayers and strong faith that God may heal and deliver us and keep our families safe from every evil.

As we pray to Christ today, let us hear these reassuring words from Him: 'You may go, the demons have left'.

May our families be charged with the presence of the Holy Spirit.


Deliver us O Lord from the evils and diabolic powers that threaten our homes. Make our homes abodes of the Holy Spirit. Expel any force manipulating us in any form.  Protect us from all unfavourable situations and strengthen our faith when the attacks come from any angle whatsoever. May your angels fight our seen and unseen battles. We ask these through Christ our Lord. Amen

Our Lady of Lourdes, Pray for us.

God bless your Thursday (5th Week, Ordinary Time, Yr B)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from: Mark – Baptist Bible Graphics

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