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Saturday, February 27, 2021

Reflection on the Gospel of 2nd Sunday of Lent Yr. B by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


(Mark 9:2-10)

We are taken to the mount of transfiguration like Peter James and John by Jesus today. There, Jesus wants to strengthen our faith. Jesus wants to lift up our hearts. Jesus wants us to hear what God tells us about Him. He shows His glistening nature and invites us to activate our listening capacity so as to remain glistening spiritually and otherwise. He encourages a life of transformation. He wants us to live in anticipation for His glory that will soon be revealed. To do that more effectively this Holy Season of Lent, let us learn from the Apostles, from Moses and from Elijah. Men who   journeyed with the Lord in their lifetime.


We learn from the apostles to be among the few who will follow Jesus to the Holy mountain of transfiguration this Lenten season. They had ears to hear. That was why they followed Jesus up. It is possible that the Lord gave an open invitation but these three are always the ones with the proper disposition. Have you disposed yourself to hear Jesus telling you this year: Come with me. Let's walk along. Let's talk along.

What is stopping you from following so far? Why have you not begun to ascend spiritually? Why have not joined in the stations of the cross? Why have you not started tracing your way up to God?

It could be that the other disciples were weak and afraid. It could be that they were considering what it will take to climb the mountain. It could be that they were thinking of what to eat on the way or they wanted to go their different ways and live their private lives while Jesus was away. May be they had something to hide which closeness will reveal about them. But the three apostles walked with Christ to the mountain and had their strength and faith renewed.

Are you still weak? The Lord calls: Come on, let us go. Accept the invitation. Walk in faith not by sight. Separate yourself from the world. Stay away from sin. Go inward. Single yourself out and be closer to none but Christ. Let your song be: "Nearer to Thee my Lord nearer to Thee". When you draw near to Him, you will hear His will and know His plan for you. You will not regret drawing close.


In the presence of the Lord glory shines. God speaks and we hear His voice encouraging us to continue to listen to Jesus.

This season we must look into ourselves and see if there is anything within us that is not giving God glory. Is there any condition that does not allow God to shine?  The Lord wants us to behold His face and see light in His light. The Lord wants us to go about our daily tasks living as heavenly candidates. 

We pray with to God in this season with the following words from the lenten hymn: "...What we have darkened head with light and what we have destroyed make whole"

Therefore, child of God arise and shine out in virtues. Shine in holiness. Shine in prayers. Shine in almsgiving, shine in mortification, shine in bringing consolation to the afflicted. Shine in wiping tears from the faces of people. Shine in keeping the commandments of God. Shine in saying no to worldliness. Shine in speaking the truth. Shine in emulating Christ.

He calls us up to Himself   on a high mountain. Let us not operate below the divine expectations. Let's not go down into sin and depravity. Let's not go down back to our old bad ways. Let's fly on in virtues. Let's be like the eagle. Let's keep going high in hope for the glory that the resurrection ushers us into. Let us move on in the forty days’ journey already begun. May God open our ears to hear and maintain our glistening nature in Him.


Oh God, we thank You for calling us to Yourself to hear Your word. We thank You for counting us worthy to share in Your holiness.  Destroy everything in us closing our ears from paying attention to the things of the Spirit. May Your glory continue to shine in us and may we like Peter long to remain close to Your side savouring the power of transfiguration in here and in heaven for ever and ever. Amen

Happy Sunday (2nd Sunday of Lent)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image from: Homilies – Page 6 – St. John the Evangelist Catholic Parish (

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