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Thursday, December 17, 2020

Reflection on the Gospel of Friday of the 3rd Week of Advent by Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh


(Matthew 1:18-24)

Joseph, the foster father of Jesus, is presented to us as we prepare for the Lord's coming. He's a man whose role in preparing for the Saviour's birth is quite outstanding. He's the man who took care of the mother of the Saviour. He's the one who prepared for the holy birth. He's privileged to be one of those who knew of the secret of Jesus' incarnation. He prepared for the 'Omugwo'. He faced and surmounted a lot of obstacles on the way that would have posed a problem for the son of God. These took place because he was a just man. God really chose well, a just man and a virgin woman.

The just man was faced with the reality of "a pregnant virgin". How did this happen? He tried exhausting every just means and decided to send Mary away quietly. Then, the same angel of the incarnation came to him in the dream with the following words:  "Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit; She will bear a son and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins." What a beautiful Christmas dream! A dream of hope, a dream of consolation, a dream of joy, an angelic dream, a holy dream, a dream of the just, a dream of holiness, a dream of salvation, a dream of forgiveness, a dream of divine presence and assistance.

What are your Christmas dreams? What are your Christmas plans? Are you planning with the Lord? Are you planning for the Lord? Are you open to divine illumination and direction? Let us learn from Joseph. Joseph kept aside his own plans, as good and just as they seemed to take up the holy will of God for him. Do you care to know that holy will of God for you in this celebration? In the following words, Joseph came to terms with God's will for his Christmas:" ...for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit." Christmas is a spiritual celebration not carnal, not immoral, not material, not diabolic, not exploitative, never manipulative.

Let's dream of a holy Christmas not a sinful one, a peaceful Christmas not a chaotic one. Let's sleep on the bed of the word of God and pay attention to the voice of the Holy Spirit directing us on how best to celebrate our Christmas in God and not in the flesh.

Let us pray

Your word is a lamp for my steps Lord and a light for my paths. I come under the inspiration of your word as Christmas draws near to be guided on what I should dream about and expect in the holy birth of the saviour of mankind. May I put away every evil dream and hold firm to the noble and virtuous things the nativity of Christ represents. Amen

God bless your Friday (18, December)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

Image by: Luca Giordano

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