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Sunday, November 1, 2020




(Matthew 5:1-12a)

We all received the ticket to heaven just like passengers do. We receive the same right and grace to journey to heaven. Some are fortunate to make it without much attacks on the road. Some mastered the road and how to manoeuvre than others. They were attacked by robbers on the road, but they protected their treasures so well that they continued their journey and reached their destinations successfully. They are the saints we celebrated. They were triumphant.

Today, we commemorate those who are still held by one problem or the other along their way to heaven. We, who are still journeying, pray that they get successfully and call us like their counterparts in heaven.

We remember them because of the bond we share as members of the Church of Jesus Christ, sharing in the communion of the living and dead. Their condition reminds us to keep striving in order not to be stopped on the way by anything whatsoever. They are undergoing stop and search. The heavenly road safety agents are checking what they are carrying, going through their papers. They've been held and are crying out for mercy, calling upon us transfer prayers to them to save them.

They are our loved ones. So, we wish them well. They have moved ahead of us signed with the sign of faith. We wish them journey mercies as we follow.

Today, we remind ourselves that death is never the end of love. It is not the end of divine love. The love of God is beyond human comprehension. Our love for our dead ones should not also be ended by death. We commend these our dead brothers and sisters into the eternal love of God, praying God that they may be liberated from the pain of the purging fire as soon as possible.

Today, we recall the many friends of ours who departed. We may think of the dreams that were cut short. We pray that they not be in vain. We remember the memories we shared and pray God to give them eternal bliss. We think of what these our friends suffered here on earth and pray that they may not see eternal torment. We call to mind the weaknesses of these men and women and pray God who knows them better to be merciful in his judgement.

We pray for all the dead since we may not tell, for sure, whether or not they have attained peace, that God may not abandon them.

After many years of departure, we may have overgrown the pain of the loss, but let us not forget the state of the one we lost to death.

 Thus, let masses be celebrated today for these souls undergoing purgation before entering heaven. Yes, that purging is necessary because nothing defiled enters heaven. But let us, in the words of the psalmist, remind God that if He marks their iniquity, no one will survive (Psalm 129). With Him is mercy, for this we revere Him.

Let us today console those who have really suffered unspeakable heartbreaks and shock because of death of loved ones. Let us commit the souls of those who died because of Covid19 directly or indirectly into God's hands. Let us remember the souls of those who died during the Nigerian peaceful protest. May God grant them rest. Let us visit the cemeteries and graves. Let us, if possible, visit the mortuaries. Let us remind ourselves what lies ahead of us. Let us ask ourselves questions about how we are living our lives and start now to cancel every debt of sin we are owing.

Let the month of November be dedicated in offering special prayers for the departed. Our prayers in this their helpless situation will go a long way in transporting them to heaven.

Let us put up a call for their rescue.

May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God rest in peace.

Let us pray

O God, the creator and redeemer of all the faithful. Grant to the souls of your faithful departed a place in your kingdom. Remind us that we too will be dead someday. Help us to amend our lives. Look on the few good things we are doing and through the merit of these virtuous acts, in your mercy open the gates of heaven for our late brothers and sisters through Christ our Lord. Amen

Eternal rest grant unto them Oh Lord, and let your perpetual light shine on them

God bless your Monday

Wishing you a prayerful commemoration of All Souls.

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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