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Tuesday, December 24, 2024



(John 1:1-18)

What a wonder! What a mystery! What an awesome manifestation of love! This is indeed an incomprehensible act. The Divine comes to become human, the Creator coming to become a creature, the Holy coming to embrace the mundane. This is, for sure, a mystery. Are we to venture into this discussion? Is there any way of understanding such an act? Is this actually possible? If no human can condescend this low, why God?

Yes, because with God, nothing is impossible. God did that which is beyond our expectation. It is among the many reasons why Mary asked how these will come about, and the reply she received was that nothing is impossible with God. The message is that there is no extent God cannot go to save you. There is no risk He has not taken, and there is none that He will not take just to set you free.

All these are because He loves you. Yes, I mean you. He took the risk of coming in fragility, in weakness, in coldness, in poverty. He took the risk of being exposed to hostility of the world, the cruelty of mankind, and the temptations to sin. And from all these He set you free, He made us like God while becoming like man.

He is the ancient of days but became a babe for you. He loves you.

He was with God, but He became Immanuel to be with you. He values you

He is God. He is the Second Person of The Holy Trinity, but He dwelt among you. He loves to come where you are to take you to where He is.

Yes He is here with light to drive away every darkness in your life.

He is here with holiness to destroy your sins

He is here as the prince of peace to restore the shattered peace of your life.

May the word of God that has taken FLESH today dwell in our hearts.



May God abide with you and never depart from you.

May you recognize Him and be delivered from the danger of taking His presence for granted. His people didn't recognize Him.

May you recognize Him in the Eucharist, recognize Him in the lowly, recognize Him, and give Him a place wherever you are. May you be among those He will give the power of becoming children of God. May your adoption remain permanent.

May you be joyful indeed, for Great in your midst is the Holy One. May Christ the Immanuel make all things well for you. Rejoice for He loves you at Christmas and always. As you endeavour to take Christ to the masses, to make the masses recognize this great Saviour may the blessings of God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit come down upon you and remain with you and your family both now and forever. Amen

Rejoice, be glad, exult.

Ñuriwanu n'omumu Kristi, Happy Christmas, Joyeaux Noël, Feliz Navidad.

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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