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Friday, December 13, 2024



(Luke 3:10-18)

Today is Gaudete Sunday. A Sunday when the Church bids us rejoice, when we listen to the voice of St. Paul telling us: Rejoice, I repeat Rejoice. 'Gaudete' is from the Latin root 'gaudere' meaning to rejoice. We are invited to be happy, to sing and shout in joy for the Holy One of Israel is in our midst.

This call to be happy may sound foolish, where there seems to be no reason to be happy. But the message is: Be happy in the midst of all circumstances because the Lord is in your midst. If God be for us, who can be against us? He comes as the Emmanuel to be with us, so we have reasons to rejoice. Let us, therefore, inquire today on what we need to do to be happy in the Lord.



The soul of man is indeed hungry for a higher form of joy. In a world where many have resorted to different despicable things to be happy, in a society where drug abuse seem to serve as a way out of frustration and heartbreaks, in a situation where alcoholism, ritualism, drunkenness, harlotry are seen to be solutions to the instability and unhappiness ravaging the human person, God calls all and sundry to review the secret of true happiness, joy and peace.

In the Gospel of today we saw people who inquired to know the secret of joy in the Lord, how to find happiness in the Lord; they represent the people pictured by Psalm 4 with the following question in their mouth: what can bring us happiness? The above question was asked by many. In the Gospel of today, we see ALL the people asking a particular question: What do we do? This question was triggered by the frightening preaching of John the Baptist. Thanks be to God that the people wanted joy instead of the punishment due for their old lives. They decided to start producing the fruits of goodness. We are challenged to come as a people and address the forces stealing our collective joy, exposing us to massive pain, shame, sadness, and frustration. Let us also go as individuals to know what God wants us to do to really experience the joy He promised here and hereafter.



The word of God says: "I will hear what the Lord God has to say." The will of the Lord was revealed through John the Baptist, as He prepares the people to receive Christ defined as Joy to the world. He addresses us on the following:



The Baptist's reply to them seem to show us why many of us are not happy. We are not happy because we are not satisfied with what God has made us to be; we would have loved to be like the other. We are not comfortable with what God has given us; We want to take that of another to make up. We are not happy with what God is doing in the life of the other; so we attack, frustrate, and destroy them. Joy comes from within. It is interesting that joy and contentment share the same root. To be happy is to be delighted by the lot marked out for you. Hence, the Psalmist declared: the lot marked out for me is my delight.

As an individual, you've got to rejoice for the lot marked out for you, the joy no force can take without your permission. Choose to be happy anyway.

Not minding what the circumstances around you are saying. The people in today's Gospel have been surrounded by threatening situations, but they chose to go for that, which attracts divine joy. You can't do without the joy that comes from the Lord. The joy of the Lord should be your strength. The enemy is never happy when you're happy. Be happy anyway.



Jesus comes to do a new thing in our lives. He is coming as a newborn to renew our lives in His love.  We, too, have to do something for Him as He comes to do new things in us. We hand over to Him our old ways.

Let's like the groups of people in the Gospel today ask: What shall we do?

To those in the evil habit of stinginess, John said: Give, share, practice charity.

To the tax collectors in the evil habit of collecting more than expected, John insists: Stop collecting more than you should. Stop increasing prices in the name of Christmas. Stop causing heartbreaks. Do not steal the joy of others that yours may not be stolen.

To the soldiers and the police John says: Stop robbing and extorting!

Let's stop for God to begin. Let's stop evils in and around us for God to begin good in us. What's your own evil? My dearest in Christ, stop it. It will give you no true joy. Do the things that will lead you to joy everlasting.


Family problems may have vowed to make you sad, Child of God, be glad. Hopelessness has forced you to believe that your joy is buried forever. It is not true. Rejoice!  Near success syndrome is convincing you to agree that you can never make it. Rejoice for by His Grace you can do all things.

Yes, rejoice for the coming of the Lord is nearer now.


The Lord is coming to give you joy. He is coming to bless You abundantly. He is coming to pleasantly surprise You and Your family. He comes to give you reasons to laugh again. Just be contented with what He has done for you and be rejoicing for what He is coming with. You're born to rejoice. May your joy as a person never be stolen. May your joy as a people never be hijacked. May God come to restore your family joy in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.


Rejoice in the Lord Alleluia.

Happy Gaudete Sunday

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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