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Saturday, November 23, 2024

Solemnity of Christ the King, Year B: Reflection by Fr. Julian Ekeh


(John 18:33b-37)

Today is the last Sunday of the year, according to the Church's Liturgical Calendar. It is a great solemnity in honour of Christ, the Universal King. It is a day of thanksgiving to God for ruling over us in Christ. It is a day we prostrate ourselves before God in total submission for Him to continue exercising His Almighty power over us, in our families, in our world, and in the Church.

It is a day in a very special way when we go announcing to the world in a prophetic way that Christ alone is the true King of the whole world. He rules from heaven, He lives among us in the Holy Eucharist as well.

This brings us to the procession that will take place immediately after the Christ the King Mass. The procession is not Christ the King procession but the Corpus et Saguinis Christi  procession. Our local Church here in Nigeria due to climatic condition and with Holy See's permission moved this important procession to be celebrated together with Christ the King. Be that as it may, Christ is the same, the priest and the Eucharistic Bread. He reigns, come let us adore and hail Him.

It is a day we invite all and sundry to hail the power of Christ and denounce any other power operating in their lives.

This is the day we join the militant and triumphant Church to chant in exultation: Christus vincit, Christus regnat, Christus imperat.

Thus, we are invited today to reflect on the kingship of Christ and why we must all hail Him.



In the Gospel of today, Pilate, representing the powers of this world, sat on the throne, questioning Christ. He asks: Are you the King of the Jews?

From this question, I can sense Pilate's assumption of supremacy over Jesus. He was not a Jew. So from this question, he was not included in those Jesus claims to rule. Thus, the kings and power holders of the world find it unacceptable to take orders from Christ, which explains the reason behind the various crises in the world they claim to be in charge of.

The Jews themselves didn't also accept the authority of Christ. Therefore, they had Him arrested and would even after His death persuade Pilate to change the inscription: "King of the Jews" to "This man claimed to be the king of the Jews."

Down through the ages, people want to deny the reign of God. They want to take away the power of God from Him. They want to divest Him of his majesty and glory. But is it possible? Oh no! CHRIST is indubitably the anointed of God, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords (Timothy 6:14-15).



The Holy Mother Church today opens our eyes to see Jesus sitting on the throne. We are called upon to see Jesus at the right hand of God ruling the whole world. We are brought in to visualize Jesus Christ ruling the world with heavenly principles. We should celebrate this one aspect of the three offices of Christ in a very special way. At our baptism, we were made to share in these offices, namely: Priest, King, and Prophet.

Any other kingship that doesn't flow from that of Christ should have nothing to do with us. We shouldn't allow the powers and forces of this world to make us not to take orders and instructions from Christ, the king of kings.



As leaders or followers, are we leading or following according to Christ's example? You will allow Christ rulership when you discharge that your office in accordance with God's will, in humility and respect, in compassion and love, in equity and transparency.

From Christ, we will learn to destroy the divisions between the rich and the poor. We see each other as made in the image and likeness of God. We will start appreciating the offices we occupy as opportunities of service to make the people entrusted to us better and not of oppression and suppression, not of marginalization and humiliation.

The celebration of today, therefore, is offered to us as a solution to the many problems of the world. When we allow God to reign, there will not be unnecessary sit-tight syndrome. Enthroning and hailing Christ king in our lives and families means introducing love and peace to rule over us. It is eradication of all forms of diabolism. It brings it to my consciousness that I cannot be a slave. I am a son, a daughter of a king. I should not be living in fear. I should no longer be a slave to sin, to immorality, to the flesh.

To hail Christ, I must let my life be a song of honour to Him. I will be a loyal citizen of His kingdom, I will offer Him my life time and do everything within my power in patriotism even to the point of martyrdom to defend the values of the Kingdom of this King who loves me so much as to even give His life for me. To hail my King, I should not forget that I am here on earth as an ambassador of the city of God. I must be ready to give Him proper reports and accounts of all my activities here. May God bless His word in our hearts.


King of glory, I hail Thee! I worship Thee! Your kingdom is not just of this world. It is beyond what man's eyes can see. Help me to submit myself under Your kingship. I place myself under Your authority, I offer my family, my vocation, our country, the Church, and the world at large under Your care. Watch over us and deliver us from false powers. May You reign in our lives forever and ever. Amen

Happy Solemnity of Christ the King. (34th Sunday, Ordinary Time, Year B)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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