James Dean, an American actor in one of his famous quotes
said; “dream as if you will live forever. Live as if you will die today.”
Coincidentally, his life was cut short in a car accident at the age of 24 (Feb.
8, 1931 – Sept. 30, 1955), leaving him a lasting symbol of rebellion, youthful
defiance, and restless spirit. Today being the second to the last Sunday of the
Church’s liturgical year, we should start acting and living as if the end is
near. This will make us quit every rebellion, every moral rascality, every
faith defiance, and every restlessness and worldly attachments.
The first reading talked about the end of time, when Arch
Angel Michael shall arise, when troubles will stir up in the world like never
before. Then, those whose names are written in the book of life; those who have
turned many to righteousness, whether living or dead, would be deliver into
everlasting life. Consequently, as we talk of a hypothetical end of time this
period, let us pause to ponder through a hypothetical evaluation of our lives,
to make sure our names are written in the book of life; the book of the
THE SECOND READING (HEB. 10: 11 – 14. 18)
For three Sundays running, the second reading has continued
to direct our attention to the priesthood of our Lord Jesus Christ which for
all ages continues to sanctify and perfect all those who are called by his name
(the sanctified). He remains at the right hand of the Father, interceding for
us. But then, we have to continue to draw closer to Christ our priest through
his ministers, continue to present ourselves before him, and continue to strive
to live holy and better lives for his prayers/intercessions to work wonders in
our lives.
The gospel reading also presented us with the end of time as
when the Son of Man would appear and send out his angels to gather his elect
from the ends of the earth to the ends of the heavens. This means that there
would be a choosing/selection to be carried out. Not all would be chosen or
gathered; but will you be among the chosen; will I be among the chosen? Do you
think you have done enough good/right to be among the Lord’s chosen? There is
only one way to find out; and that is living daily by the Saviour’s Word or
The end which no one knows the appointed hour is
hypothetically and always near. We should periodically run a check on
ourselves, on the quality of our life as Christians. We must quit every form of
procrastination to straighten up our lives, our records, and our relationships
with God and with our fellow men, so that there would be no condemnation or
accusation against us from any quarters of our lives.
Happy Sunday!
Fr. Justin
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