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Thursday, September 5, 2024

 Thursday of 22nd Week, Year II: reflection

Theme: They left everything and followed Him: Best response after receiving God’s blessings

Reading: Lk 5:1-11

Dear friends in Christ, did you notice what Peter and his companions did after Jesus surprised them with the miracle of the deep catch?

Today’s gospel reading told us that Jesus blessed Peter with the miracle of the great catch of fish after using his boat for preaching the good news. The miracle filled Peter and his companions with great awe. As soon as they brought their boats to land, they all abandoned everything and followed Him.  

What do you do after receiving blessings from God? Do you push God aside, forget about Him and simply enjoy your blessings as you please? Do you allow His blessings to bring you closer to Him or do you see His blessings as an invitation to enjoy your life the way you like, even with a style of life that drags you away from the source of these blessings?

When Peter received his miracle, he left everything and followed Jesus because he saw it as an invitation to get closer to its source, to establish a more personal relationship with Him, and to ensure that He continued to drink from the source. This is the proper response of those who have been blessed by God. Every blessing from God is an invitation from God to know Him more and to appreciate Him by doing His will.

Therefore, dear friends, if God has blessed you with riches, don’t think only of parties and businesses, and never think of oppressing the poor; rather, remember to think of God who blessed you and of doing his will. If He has blessing you with beauty, don’t think of using your body to make money or to lead others into sin; instead, think of appreciating Him by living a holy life and doing His will. If He has blessed you with human strength in excess, don’t think of harming the weak; instead, think of putting yourself to good service for God and humanity, etc. God has blessed each of us with something unique; let us, therefore, see our unique qualities as a special invitation to follow Him.

May God reward your good efforts this Thursday. Amen

Fr Isaac C Chima.

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