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Saturday, September 14, 2024



(Mark 8:27-35)

At the middle of the Gospel of today, the word of God positioned its satellite on Peter, who took Jesus aside for a talk. Here is the exact biblical rendition: "And Peter took him, and began to rebuke him." How does that sound? Peter rebukes the Lord.

In a world where man wants to convince God to change his ways, God is amazed at man taking Him aside "to talk sense into Him." Will God succumb to the satanic will of man? Let us see.


This is indeed daring. I am imagining Jesus Christ being invited by Peter. He enters into His office. Greets him, keeps standing, and Peter tells Him: "Sit down. Ye, sit down, I think you are derailing." It could be diplomatic and respectful correction. It could also be a harsh and blunt address. If the first was the case, just think of Peter telling Jesus: Jesus, do you know you are not getting it right. Why did you say those things you said, my Lord? Have you forgotten who you are? You can't be thinking of suffering, you surely will not die, the cross can't be your portion. You're great, everything written about you is great. So don't think of belittling yourself and subjecting yourself to pain and shameful experiences."

While on the other hand, it is the harsh and blunt method, which probably may be the case since the word of God today used the term 'rebuke' Peter, considering the fact that he was older than Jesus in age may have told Jesus: Come here! What is wrong with you? Are you losing it? Are you going crazy? How dare you say all those things you just said about yourself? Don't you know that we have gone a long way? Do you really know what it means to lose your glory, power, and authority? Do you really know what it means not to be in the winning party? I choro ihapu ebe ana agba afa gawa ebe a na arụ agwụ? Just mind yourself and embrace honour, then forget about every other thing. 


Jesus remained silent. He turned to the disciples representing the general population, the public He has come to redeem, the reason He was sent into the world, those who were like sheep without a Shepherd. Jesus saw the electorates, He saw those struggling for food amidst plenty, He saw those paying through their nose to buy fuel in a land blessed with rich mineral resources. He could see many people who are not paid their salaries after months of hard work and those who are not paid their gratuities after years of labour. He saw diseases. He saw hunger, He saw injustice, He saw marginalization, operation, and suppression.

Can those who are supposed to redeem our world from the mess we are into look out through their windows, from their glorious ivory towers to see what the people are suffering? To see the insecurity and killings? To see the tears and pains? To see the bad roads? The lack of amenities, etc, plaguing the land? Let the man in us, the ego, the grip to power, political party and winning team leave us to see the many dying parties, the suffering and sorrowful teams here and there, all around us.


God can't remain silent forever. He will arise one day to shatter every satanic power and stranglehold in the world.  Grieved by the plights of His people, He rebuked man in his office. Yes, man wanted to dictate for God. Man wanted to make God become the God of the mighty instead of the Mighty Saviour of the poor. The favoured man wished God to remain on his side and forget the lowly. But Jesus Christ rebukes that force in man. He exclaims: "Get behind me, Satan! For you are not on the side of God, but of men. "

Pay attention dearest in Christ. If you're not on the side of God, the Lord is rebuking you today. The Lord rebukes you if you are less concerned because you're not yet involved in the bad condition of our world today.  The Lord rebukes you if you have kept the divine aside doing things in your own way. The Lord rebukes you if you have stopped being the hope of the hopeless, if you have stopped being the voice of the voiceless, if you are selfish, inconsiderate. The Lord will rebuke you as soon as you lose your sense of compassion and true love. The Lord rebukes you, who have sold your conscience to the devil without listening to the spirit of God. The Lord will certainly rebuke all the powers that frustrate His mission on earth. Are you part of them? Repent now!


Almighty God, we thank you that you're a God of compassion and love. We pray You, in Your mercy, to turn again as we implore to see our condition in the world. The hardship is on the increase, the political recklessness is unbearable, the religious complacence is unspeakable, and the moral decadence is too much. Come to our aid, lest we perish. Do not allow us to be worn over to the side of the enemy. May we continue to rebuke him by your grace through Christ our Lord. Amen

Happy Sunday (24th Sunday, Ordinary Time, Yr B)

Rev Fr Julian O Ekeh

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