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Tuesday, August 27, 2024

 Tuesday of 21st Week, Year II: reflection

Theme: About the coming of Jesus Christ and prophecies, let no one deceive you in any way

Reading: 2 Thess. 2:1-3a.14-17

From all indications, we are living in the era of the flux of prophecies regarding the end-time from countless number of self-proclaimed prophets and men/women of God from all corners of the world, each vying for attention and followership from unsuspecting people, and spreading unnecessary fear. We all know what transpired on the eve of the year 2000.

Some of these prophets, as seen in many nations in recent times, ride on the back of the economic hardships people are passing through to deceive people through staged miracles, prophecies of material prosperity, breakthroughs or dooms and, sometimes, claims of be the Messiah.

In the midst of the ever-increasing number of self-acclaimed prophets in our world and the flux of prophecies predicting the end-time, material prosperity and/or doom, St Paul reminds us, as he did to the Thessalonians in today’s first reading, not to allow ourselves to be deceived by anyone. He advised that we should rather hold firm to the teachings and the traditions given to us through the apostles, because the hour of the second coming of Jesus has not been made known to anyone. At the centre of the teachings and tradition given by the apostles is the call to love God and neighbour.

One of the risks of running to places for prophecies is giving the glory and worship that belongs to God to a devil, because the devil is the master of deception. Prophecies and healings are not the only manifestations of the Spirit of God; we have also seen that the devil performs miracles and predicts the future. In fact, the experience of St Paul in Philippi (Acts 16:16-18) proved that the devil also bestows the gift of seeing the future upon his followers. That was why John (1Jn. 4:1-) demanded that all spirits should be tested before they are believed.

Dear friends, be on your guard. Don’t allow anyone to deceive you, and don’t permit anyone to lead you into giving the devil the glory and worship that belong to God almighty.

May God guide your steps as you go out and come in this Tuesday. Amen

Fr Isaac Chima

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