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Monday, August 19, 2024

 Monday of 20th Week, Year II: reflection

Theme: Don’t turn away from Jesus because of material things

Reading: Mt 19:16-22

The young man in today's gospel reading approached Jesus and asked what more he needed to do in order to receive eternal life, since he believed he had observed all of God's commandments. "Go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me," Jesus told him. Upon hearing Jesus’ response, the young man turned away from Jesus.

From the young man’s reaction to what Jesus asked him to do, we can say that he loved his material possessions more than he loved people and the kingdom of God. For the sake of what he possessed, he gave up his dream of eternal life.

Dear friends, is there anything you possess or desire for which you can give up eternal life in heaven? Many will respond with a capital “NO.” However, if we approach the question from a different perspective, it might enable us to examine our hearts and lives more thoroughly. Are there any material goods you would want to retain or possess, a certain of money, job or position you would want to secure, or a person or reputation you would want to keep even if it meant turning your back on the teaching of Christ?

It is evident that many of us would temporarily or even permanently turn away from God in order to enjoy certain habits, retain some material goods, jobs, people, reputations, and positions, or to acquire some goods or secure some positions. But Jesus is calling us to realize that we are not yet His true followers if our quest for or attachment to material things can lead us to turn away from Him.

Furthermore, this gospel reading reminds us that even if we observe all the commandments of God, attend all adorations in this world, follow all prayer meetings, attend all crusades and still fall short in the practice of generosity to our fellow human beings, we are lacking something enormous in our relationship with God, and may not make it to the kingdom of heaven on the last day.

May God give us a generous heart and the strength to detach ourselves from anything or anyone that will make us to turn away from Jesus. Amen

Have a blessed new week.

Fr Isaac C. Chima

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